Chapter 11

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A week later

"Harry!" I yelled when I saw him walking of the plane

I ran over to him and flung my arms around his neck

He smiled and kissed over and over again

"Oh god I missed you" we said at the same time

We laughed an kissed again

We slowly made our way to the baggage claim

We grabbed his bag and walked to the entrance where his mum was waiting for us

I saw a crowd of screaming girls with posters

"Oh no" Harry mumbled

I sighed and snuggled closer to Harry

He pushed open the doors and we were blasted with the deafening sound of screaming girls

They were all screaming Harry's name

He wrapped his arms tighter around me and pushed through the crowd

We made it to his car and quickly got in

"Haz! Look at my boy, all these fans already!" his mum gushed

"Mum" Harry said "it's not that many people"

"Uh, ya it is!" I laughed

He rolled his eyes

I playfully slapped his arm and cuddled in to him

I missed him so much

I tucked my head into the crook of his neck breathed in his scent

"Are you smelling me" he laughed

I blushed and nodded

He bent down and smelt me

"Harry!" I laughed

"Oh so you can smell me" he smiled, his cute little dimples showing

I stared into his eyes for awhile

Harry made me feel something nobody could ever make me feel. He made me feel like I could fly. I know I could ever feel like this again, even if I tried.


I rested my head in Harry's lap whilst he played with my hair.

I looked up at his beautiful face and saw he was staring at me

I smiled at him and he smiled back

"I love you" he said

"I love you too" I said whilst sitting up and kissing him

Our lips moved perfectly together

I moved to where I was now straddling him

He licked my bottom lip before he slid his tongue into my mouth

His tongue roamed my mouth until we separated for air

He looked at me and smirked before attacking my neck with kisses

He swiped his tongue over the skin on my neck before sucking at a tender spot on the side of my neck

I let out a small moan

I could feel him smile

His mouth made it's way up to my ear

"You ready?" he whispered

I nodded

Almost right when I nodded he pushed me back on the bed

He hovered over me in a push up position

He left sweet kisses across my neck and his lips made their way up to mine

I grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up

He took off his shirt and threw it to the side

I put my hands on his chest

He pulled off my shirt and started kissing down my neck to my stomach

His lips made their way back up. He unbuttoned my pants and I kicked them off

"I love you" he whispered


"Mornin love" Harry smiled at me

I looked up and smiled

"Mornin" I sat up and the covers slipped off me

I looked down and remembered I was naked

My face turned red and I quickly pulled the covers back up

He laughed at me before he kissed me

"Don't be embarrassed" he whispered

I rolled my eyes "I just want to get some clothes on"

"Ok. I'm not looking" he said turning around so his back was facing me

I hopped off the bed and slipped on some underwear and one of Harry's shirts

He turned around and sat up

He pulled on some sweat pants and walked over to me

"Want some breakfast" he asked

I nodded and followed him out of his room

We walked downstairs to the kitchen

I sat at the island and watched Harry make us breakfast

Ten minutes later I was stuffing my face with French toast

"This is FANTASTIC!" I yelled

He laughed "I know"

I ate at least three pieces of French toast

"Your making that more often" I told him walking to the living area

"Anything for you" he said pulling me close to him and kissing me

I smiled in the middle of the kiss

"I love you so so much" he said

"I love you so so much more" I said kissing him again


Hey loves! I know it's been awhile. I hope this chapter is long enough for you. You have no idea how hard this was to write. I couldn't even think!

Love ya xx

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