Chapter 14

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I sat in the van staring out the out the window. I could hear the other boys talking about something, but didn't listen. I had just left Brey, and trust me, that was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I couldn't even look at her sad little face, silently begging me not to go. I almost didn't leave, but I couldn't let the boys down like that.

"Waddaya think Haz" Louis' voice grabbed my attention

"Sure" I replied mindlessly and looked back out the window

"Awe, someone's lovesick" Niall said

I rolled my eyes

"I'm glad you left her" Louis said

"Yep. You could do soo much better" Zayn added

I looked over to them

"Not a wise move Tommo" Liam whispered

"I don't give a fuck what you think Louis, you either Zayn. I can't understand why you can't just let me love someone without criticizing me! 'You could do better than that slag'" I laughed humorlessly "well I don't think you can tell me who I can and can't date. Your not my boss, I'm just fucking sick of you always doing this! With every girl I ever liked, you criticized me!"

"Harry, I just wanted to keep you from the wrong person" he tried to defend himself

"Don't try to justify what you did. You don't know who the right or wrong person is, and even if you did, you should let me try to figure it out by myself"

He huffed and went back to talking with Zayn whilst I went back to staring out the window



I stayed in my room for a whole week. I didn't go to school, I didn't shower, I didn't even eat. My mum was really worried about me, I could tell by the way she always tried to summon me out of my room.

I tried to call Harry, but he would never pick up. I tried texting him, but he would never reply. Niall told me he really missed me too, but 'talking to me would hurt too much'.


From: Nialler

He really misses you

I looked at the text and laughed

To: Nialler

I miss him too, but at least I want to talk to him and try to keep this relationship going

From: Nialler

He said that he wants to keep it going too

To: Nialler

Then why won't he talk to me

From: Nialler

Honestly, I don't know

I sighed and put my phone down

As I set it down it buzzed

I looked at the notification and saw a text, from Harry.

I almost screamed as I quickly opened the message

From: Harry sexy Styles

Hey love, I miss you :,(

To: Harry sexy Styles

You have no idea. Why haven't you talked to me :(

From: Harry sexy Styles

I don't know babe

I frowned

To: Harry sexy Styles

Well promise you'll talk to me know

From: Harry sexy Styles

When I can :)

When I can? When I can! What the fuck does he mean 'when I can'!?

To: Harry sexy Styles

When you can?

I sent the message a waited for a reply, but got nothing

I waited for at least an hour before I gave up and decided I was hungry for the first time in a week


Hey loves, sorry it's been awhile. I hope you enjoy this chapter and excuse any major mistakes, you don know how hard this was to write with a brace. I sprained my wrist so I have to wear this fucking thing for two weeks! I can't do anything g with it and it is so fucking hard to type with. I think I did a pretty good job revising, but if I didn't, well you know why.

Love ya xx

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