Chapter 2

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He'd always heard that a thin line existed between love and hate, and he had certainly lived the last few months precariously straddling that line. It was the reason he needed out of the hospital his emotions had him scared shitless. As he walked along the pier he felt as if he was running and if he was honest he was running.

He was running from the overwhelming fear he felt, he was running from the love that he felt for her coursing through him.

He was running from her, he couldn't allow himself to fall victim to her again, not after she had ruined him.

She had broken him, her moving on isn't what dealt the biggest blow. He expected her to move on, it happened quicker than he thought but it still wasn't what ruined him.

No..what dealt the final blow was spending a few quiet moments with her in the locker room several hours after the shooting, he went out of his way to offer her comfort. He told her he still cared about her..a lot.

That he had her back.

She smiled stiffly and just nodded her head at his words, that was fine. He wasn't expecting her to say anything, just needed her to know he was there for her. That no matter what had gone on between didn't matter.

He had her back.

Only to be sitting in a courtroom a few days later and have it all blow up in his face. She was fucking Sean Roman, he even had to bare witness to their closeness as security footage was played for the courtroom. The attorney pausing it just as the back of her hand caressed Roman's cheek.

The image forever burned in his mind's eye.

Then the question that took the breath from his lungs, the attorney asked about her relationship with her partner.

Hearing her confirm it was what finally did him in.

Even now as he sat in the cold and watched the lake, he could still feel the air leave his lungs. He hunched over and tried to steady his frayed nerves, tried to find some level of composure but it was impossible he was feeling every possible emotion at once.

Jen cocked her head to the side, her eyebrow raised in suspicion, "Adam?"

Kim was growing frustrated, she couldn't understand why Jen was looking at her as if she'd grown a second head, "Yes, Adam. Adam Ruzek. He's about six foot, crazy hair..great smile, and he's my fiancé" she grinned, she glanced down at her hand, "do you have my ring...I feel naked when I'm not wearing it" she ran her fingertips over where the ring normally sat.

Jen sat back down on the chair, "Kim? Are you alright?" She wasn't sure what the hell was going on or what she needed to do.

"Are you alright?" Kim asked incredously, "because you're looking at me as if I'm crazy" she could feel the pounding in her head ramp up another notch, which shocked her because she didn't think her head could hurt any more than it already did.

"I'm f-fine" Jen stuttered.

Kim scooted up in the bed, "Is he okay?" She clutched the pillow to her chest, "Oh my god! He wasn't with me was he? Is he have to tell me Jen!" Tears filled her eyes, "is he here...where's Adam? I need Adam!"

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