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The house was literally the house of her dreams, right down to the white picket fence. Adam had teased her when she broke down in tears when she stumbled across the three bedroom house on the Internet.

Even though Adam had confessed that he thought it was perfect as well, he just couldn't resist the urge to tease her.

Her tears were unpredictable at best, and it didn't take much to bring them on. Adam had actually kept a log of what had made her cry, the most unusual of things was when the mailman had given the little boy across the street from them a lollipop and patted the boy's head.

She blamed it on being exhausted from moving, and being in the end stages of her pregnancy.

It was a complete and absolute shock when she discovered she was pregnant. It was just a few months after she lifted her 'no sex' pact and just as Adam had warned her they spent days in bed...the couch..the shower..the kicthen table. Yes, they had gone at it like 'jack rabbits' and it was better than it had ever been. Obviously little thought was given to birth control, they didn't think about much that weekend. Regrettably the kitchen table was a casualty of that weekend.

Now eight and half months later, their world was about to be altered forever in the best way possible.

"How're you Kim?" Dr. Jenkins asked as she quickly read Kim's chart, "Just here for your annual, correct" she looked over her eyeglasses at Kim.

"Yes" Kim replied, "and I'd like to discuss birth control" when she had made her decision to remain celibate for a year she had stopped taken birth control and while she and Adam had been intimate for a few months now aside from that first weekend when they didn't bother with condoms, they had used them since then..much to Adam's dismay. She agreed with Adam  and decided to go back on the pill.

"Alright..how about we run a pregnancy test just to err on the side of caution" she smiled warmly at Kim, "is there a chance you could be pregnant?"

Kim shrugged, "I suppose so" she felt uneasy, "I hadn't thought about it to be honest..you know my period has never been very regular..but it's been awhile" she was trying to remember her last period.

"Breathe..Kim" Dr.Jenkins touched Kim's arm, "I will have the nurse draw some blood and we will see..okay?" It was clear her patient was nervous, her face had gone white and her voice was shaky as she spoke, "We will have an answer soon"

It felt like time had stood still since the nurse had left the exam room with the vile of blood. The nurse promised that it wouldn't take long, and that she needed to relax.

Relax..that was laughable.

It was impossible...not now. As she waited she checked her period app on her iPhone and it had been about ten or eleven weeks since last period. She felt her stomach drop, her palms became sweaty and her head began to throb.

The door finally opened, "Well, congratulations! You're pregnant"

She was on auto pilot as she drove to Adam's apartment, he was off for the first time in what felt like ever and they planned on going out for dinner and maybe catching a movie or just spending some time at the pier. She couldn't even think about eating...she was terrified. They had talked about having children but it was always a 'someday' it was never really discussed..and now here she was, they estimated that she was nine weeks pregnant, probably closer to ten.

She unlocked the door and called out for Adam, she scanned the small kitchen and living room area and found it empty.


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