Chapter 8

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She was on his doorstep.

"Kim.." He repeated.

Kim's throat suddenly felt dry, like it was lined with sand paper. She cleared her throat, "Adam...I'm sorry" she blurted out. Silently cursing herself, this wasn't how she wanted start this conversation.

It was just the sight of him before her had made it difficult to think, he was wearing a pair of black sweats that hung low on his hips, he neglected to put a shirt on. The chain was her focal point, after all she had done to him before and after the accident he was still wearing her engagement ring. His hair was disheveled, a few strands in his eyes.

"What's up?" He finally spoke again, he leant against the doorframe, "are you okay?" It was then he noticed her leg was free from its cast,"you're healed?" He was cursing the fact the she could see the ring hanging from his neck. She focused on it, if that didn't make him look pathetic he didn't know what would. He lifted his hand to his chest and closed his fist around the ring.

Kim looked around the hallway, while it was empty for the time being she knew that could change at any moment, "Can I come in?"

Adam sighed, "Yea..come on in" he stepped to the side to allow her in, his eyes followed her every more. He was overwhelmed by what he still felt for her, and he wished he was in her head. He knew she was nervous, she had obvious tells. He had noticed her chewing on the corner of her bottom lip and she fingered the bracelet on her wrist.

She set her purse on the table, she leaned against the counter and folded her arms across her chest and surveyed the room around her.

His apartment was surprisingly clean, he obviously noticed her shock, "Being off work left plenty of time to clean" he shrugged, he had to keep his mind focused on something and that meant his usually cluttered apartment was immaculate.

Kim began to pace, "Kim..sit down...breathe" he pointed her to the couch, "just relax" he had to wonder if something had changed and based on her current mood, it had. Just what exactly had changed he wasn't sure.

She finally sat down, "you look skinny...have you been eating?" Shit why did she ask that? "I'm sorry" she blushed.

"You keep saying that and I don't know why" Adam responded as he placed his feet on the coffee table, "and I haven't had much of an appetite" a hint of anger in his words.

Kim buried her face in her hands, finally after gathering her courage she looked at him again, this time with tears in her eyes.

"I remember Adam" she felt a bit of the burden lift off her shoulders, "it came back to me as I was calling the physical therapy was the one Sean went to"

Adam cringed at the mention of him.

"That's good" he mumbled, he wasn't sure if he was even supposed to respond.

Just saying his name out loud was enough to make her shudder, he had put so many doubts in her head. Doubts she allowed to fester, eventually allowing them to destroy the best thing she had going.

Adam watched her like a hawk her eyes seemed haunted, he could see sadness in them as well.

"That why you're here?" He asked her.

Conversation had always been easy for them, communication on the other hand had been their downfall. It sounded odd, like it was a contradictory statement and in a way it was. You see they could talk about a lot of things, they talked 'shop' they talked about how their days went, they loved talking about their favorite television shows together,the fun stuff, the light hearted stuff. Conversations like that came easy, it was the heavy shit they struggled with.

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