Chapter 9

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Kevin eyed Adam as he made yet another cup of coffee, he'd lost count about an hour and three cups ago. Something was different about his best friend, he seemed lighter, and Adam wouldn't divulge much..if anything at all.

Anytime Kevin asked him how he was doing a received a vague response of some sort the latest was 'can't complain', and that shit eating grin was back on his face.

Adam could feel Kevin's eyes boring into him, he tossed the dirty spoon into the sink, "What?"

"You...what's up with you?" Kevin asked as he doctored his own coffee, "something pop off for you?" He wanted to add 'and Burgess' but he held his tongue.

Adam suppressed his laughter, "" and made his escape.

"So...where does this leave us?" Adam repeated his question, he could see the remnants of tears on Kim's cheeks, certain his own cheeks held the same evidence, "I know nothing has changed for me..I know where I want to be, granted it took a swift kick in the ass to get to this point..but I'm finally here"

Kim pulled her legs up underneath her and leaned on the arm of the couch, "Adam, I want to be where you are..but I'm not ready"

Adam hung his head, "Is it Roman?" He asked tentatively, Roman was the eight hundred pound gorilla in the room.

"No...yea..." Kim stuttered, she watched the pain appear in Adam's eyes again immediately she rested her hand on his arm, "not the way you're thinking. I don't have any lingering feelings for him..I never had any to begin with. He was a colossal mistake..and I don't understand how I allowed myself to be with him, that I let him in my head." She felt another round of tears hit her, "I need to get my head together..and in order to do that I need to be alone. I need to be okay with who I am again before I can be a part of a relationship" she knew she had jumped from the fire to the frying pan and while Adam had spent their time apart dealing with the fall out, she had found herself jumping into bed with Roman at the first chance she had.

"What does that mean?" The hurt apparent in his tone, "what about us?"


"Yea..I'm hoping there is still an us"

"I want that too, but I can't just jump into this Adam. I owe it to you and to myself, I need to get my shit together. I miss you so much, and I can't start fresh without fixing myself first..I can't lose you again" she held his hand in her's, "I love you Adam, so very much but we need to do this the right way...even though I really want to jump your bones right now" she giggled, their conversation had done wonders for her peace of mind.

She hadn't felt this relaxed in months.

" that right?" He scooted closer to her, "you sure I can't convince you to jump my bones?" He placed a tender kiss on her cheek, "cause I'd love to jump your bones too" he didn't give her a chance to respond, he needed to feel her, he needed to taste her. She was his addiction, and he was in serious need of a fix.

Kim knew she needed to slam on the brakes before she let this get any further, his lips dancing across her neck made it difficult, "Adam...stop.." She pulled her hands from his hair and placed them against his chest pushing him off her, "Adam..I can't"

He let his head drop and he groaned, "Alright..I get it. I don't like it but I get it" he ran his thumb across her cheek, "we can take it slow..I just need you in my life Kim, however it needs to be is fine...I just need you"

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