Chapter 3

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"Kim, I think you should wait to put it on until the doctor comes back in" Jen suggested,  she could see the uneasiness in Adam's eyes and her heart broke for him.

Adam nodded, "that's a good point" he moved to take the ring back.

"No..let me hold on to it..please? If I can't wear it at least I can hold it" she closed her fingers around it.

"You'll lose it Kim, let Adam hang on to it" she was totally blown away to know that he had been wearing it all this time. She knew this had to be unbearable for him.

"No, I want it. Adam let me have your chain, I can wear that, right Jen?" Her annoyance with her sister coming through in her words.

"It's fine" Adam took the ring from her and slipped it back on the chain and closed the clasp, "here" he handed Kim the chain and watched as she slipped it over her head.

Kim clutched it to her chest, she could feel her eyes growing heavy.

"You're tired?" Adam asked, "you probably should get some sleep" he offered, "it's been a long day" he was finding it harder with each passing second to be in her presence. He wanted to run for the hills, he needed to get away from her. No, it wasn't so much her that he needed to get away was the way she was making him feel. He needed to get away from that, he wasn't sure he was strong enough for this.

"I am pretty sleepy" Kim burrowed deeper into the bed, "will you lay with me?"

Jen moved to speak when the doctor suddenly appeared, "that's not a good idea Kim, you're pretty banged up" he quickly checked her vitals and disappeared as quickly as he had arrived.

Adam breathed a sigh of relief, he could see the hurt flash across her face, "won't be long before I'm in the bed with you" this was too much. Having to pretend they're were still was agonizing.

His words appeased her, "I can't wait" she smiled as best she could, the abrasions on her face had left her face feeling tight and incredibly sore. Her entire body ached and she definitely felt like she'd been hit by a car. The saying 'felt like I've been hit by a truck' rang true for her, and she totally understood why people used it.

Jen grabbed her sister's hand, "I need to get home..I still have to call mom"

Kim smiled, "thanks for coming and tell mom I'm fine that she doesn't need to freak out" she laughed softly.

"I will. Adam will you walk me out?"

"Yea sure" he turned back to Kim, "I'll be right back" he smiled at her, his heart melting when she matched his smile with one of her own.

She could still bring him to his knees.

The small amount of progress he made in getting over her and had been shot to shit.

"So, let me get this straight..Adam has to act like they're still together?" Kevin whistled, "that can't be easy" he took a pull from his beer. He had heard the conversation with Jen and he knew what Adam needed to do, it was still shocking. He was struggling to wrap his mind around it.

Erin leaned on the bar, "I can only imagine how he must be feeling" she knew how hard he had worked to force her from his mind and while she knew he wasn't successful in doing so he was coping better the last few weeks than he had in a long time.

That would no longer be the case, "Call him Jay, invite him here for drinks" she nudged Jay's arm. "Get him out of his head and that room for a little while"

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