Chapter 7

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As if pretending that nothing had changed wasn't bad enough, when she finally started to regain snippets of her memory she deemed him the reason for their breakup.

Talk about adding insult to injury.

The aftermath of that night was why he found himself laying around in sweats in the middle of the day, he'd gone on a bit of a bender and showed up to work the next day still blitzed.

Voight called him into the his office and ripped him a new one, demanding he take some time off and then he looked him in the eye and said 'I'm sorry, kid.' He never expected that and truthfully he didn't want it.

He didn't need nor want their pity.

He had replayed the night in his head a million times over, should he have told her that it wasn't her who wasn't enough? That it was him, that he wasn't enough for her..that she ended it. Not only had she ended it, she fucked Sean Roman, and didn't have the decency to warn him. That he had to find out about in a jam packed courtroom in front of his team and a shit ton of media. That her sordid relationship with Roman was plastered in newspapers and on the news for weeks on end.

Nope, as much as he wanted to hurt her in the same way she had hurt him...he couldn't do it.

That simple fact was what led to the absolute shit show that was now his life.

It would make his life so much easier if he could hate her, if when he looked at her he saw nothing but pure unadulterated hate...except he didn't when he saw her..he saw the love of his life. The woman he'd do anything for, the one he wanted to be the mother of  his children the woman he wanted to grow old beside.

He saw his heart.

She was his everything and that's why it was all so fucking hard.

She wanted to puke, as the memories flooded her all she wanted to do was throw up. They'd hit her as soon as she looked at that card, it was like being hit in the chest with a sledge hammer, her whole body convulsed.

Then the tears started, they flowed freely for what seemed like an eternity, she still clutched the tissue in her hand.

She found herself struggling to breathe... She had accused him of not loving her...of breaking off their engagement. When she was the one who did it. She then accused him of viewing her as an obligation, that he was only helping after the accident because she couldn't remember the last seven months. He was ignoring his own pain to help her and she ended up hurting him all over again. It all made sense, why he never spoke her name, that he didn't tell her he loved her.

She had hurt him, but yet he was still willing to help her.

What really killed her was that when she asked for her ring, he was wearing it around his neck...the man she claimed didn't want to be on the hook was still wearing her ring close to his heart.

New tears flooded her eyes, she ached for him.

Shit, she needed to find him.

She needed to tell him how sorry she was, how sorry she was for everything.

She gathered her wits and put the car in gear and drove off.

Scott Lane stood hunched over the desk, his hands clasped together as if he was praying, "Sarge...come on, I need a half way decent partner that last one was an absolute joke" he groaned.

He had been stuck with numerous temporary partners since Kim's accident and it seemed if each one was worse than the last. He missed Kim, they had really hit it off from day one and their relationship was easy and they seemed to know what the other was going to do before they did it. She was a perfect partner and she had become a good friend to both him and his wife and their little boy just adored her.

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