Chapter 6

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Anger had taken up residence in Jen's house, and Kim made sure everyone knew just how angry she was.

After her sudden remembrance of hurting Adam and the subsequent meltdown she confronted Jen who convinced her to make an appointment with her neurologist so he could explain what was going on.

It didn't help when he refused to allow anyone to fill her in on the last seven months of her life...nope that needed to come back on its own.

Adam didn't help matters when he pulled a disappearing act.

Kim was pissed.

Her head was all over the place, she had bits and pieces of her memory come back but it was so disjointed that none of it made sense at all. She begged Jen to fill her in and each time Jen shut her down.

It was led to this, she was leaving and returning to her apartment. She had perfected moving around on crutches and became pretty adept at hopping on one foot she needed out of this house. She needed to be at her own place and she hoped once she got there her life would come back to her.

"Kim..don't go. Stay here" Jen begged, "please, you need me"

Kim clucked her teeth, "I need you to tell me what has happened the last seven months of my life...I need someone to explain to me why my fiancé has been invisible the last few days! I'm tired of living in the dark!" Her anger turning to sadness, "I hate this"

"I know you do and I hate it for you...please just stay here a few more days"

Kim zipped the bag, "I'm sorry. I can't, I need to go home."

Adam had just finished up at the gym when he got the text from Jen.

'Kim left..going back to her place. She knows she's lost her memory..she's pissed. She's pissed at me and at you. You picked a great time to disappear'

He groaned he knew Jen was pissed at him too, but no one seemed to see things from his perspective, he was hurting. It didn't stop the overwhelming guilt he felt. He knew he was being selfish and he knew it needed to end.

Kim was sitting in her living room the sun had just set and the room had darkened considerably she found it comforting after all she was literally living in the dark about the last seven months of her life. Why bother with lights, it wouldn't change a damn thing. She'd been home a few hours and she had hoped being in her own home would've triggered her memory.

It didn't.

To say she was disappointed was an understatement.

The fact that she couldn't find a trace of Adam in her apartment unnerved her, and that coupled with feeling like she'd hurt him was eating away at her.

She just wanted to remember.

The soft knocking on the door pulled her from sleep, she wiped the sleep from her eyes and grabbed her crutches, "I'm coming" she yelled knowing it would take her a few minutes to get to the door and she didn't want whoever it was to leave.

Adam rocked on his heels as he waited for her to answer, he balanced the Chinese food and beer in his hands.

He felt like the world's biggest dick, he had turned his back on Kim. He didn't set out to hurt her or even to leave her, it just became to much for him. He could feel himself getting lost in her again and he had fought too hard to put his life back together after she broke his heart. He couldn't allow it to happen again.

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