Chapter 4

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Kevin and Jay looked on wearily as they watched Adam slam down shot after shot.

"It's fucked up" Adam slurred between shots, "she dicked me over." He swayed a little as he slammed his hand on the bar.

He waved the bartender over.

"Another round" he turned to Kevin and Jay, "you two in?"

"I'm good, and I think you are too" Jay retorted, he stopped the bartender, "he's cut off"

Adam shook his head and laughed in disgust, "you're cutting me off?"

"Yea. I am. You've had enough're not helping matters" Jay rested his hand on his hip, "getting shit-faced is going to make it go away. It won't change anything."

Kevin nodded his head, "Halstead is right. This sucks I know...but we gotta do it"

Adam hung his head, "its funny you know...everyone keeps saying that 'we gotta do it' but I'm the only one doing it!" He scowled, "I'm the one whose doing it...I'm the one who has to look her in the eye and pretend everything is fine..." the last few words mumbled.

"You're right" Kevin placed his hand on Adam's back, "none of us know how hard this is for you...but damn it Adam, you love her! We can all see it."

Adam stood upright, "I do..and that's the problem" he staggered away and joined the line of people waiting for a cab.

It was just after seven in the morning when then sun began to filter into Kim's hospital room, a night's sleep didn't help her pain level, it seemed to have exacerbated it. During the doctor's morning rounds he informed her that it was common to feel worse than she had the day of the accident.

Overall she was doing well.

She reached out for the phone that sat on the small bedside table, she needed to hear Adam's voice. She was disappointed when she had woken up to find no sign of him at all. As she held the phone in her hands she struggled to remember his number, smartphones had been a blessing and a curse she thought to herself. His number was programmed into her iPhone which meant she never memorized it.

Kim clutched the chain around her neck and ran her finger over the lone diamond, she felt her heart accelerate as her finger ran over the stone. She let it drop from her hand and smiled when the door opened, her smile fell when it was Jen on the other side.

"Well, don't look so happy to see me" Jen teased, "I even brought cookies"

Kim smiled half heartedly, "I'm happy to see you...I just thought you might have been Adam" she shrugged. "He never came back last night, I wanted to call him but my cell phone was destroyed and I don't know his number off hand" it sounded silly and Kim laughed, "you've got his number in your phone, right?"

Jen shrugged, "I do...but he's probably still busy. Do you think it's a good idea to call him?"

Kim rolled her eyes, "If he can't talk he won't answer but at least I can leave him a message and hear his voice" she held her hand out, "please can I have your phone"

Begrudgingly Jen handed her sister her phone, and waited as Kim placed the call.

She watched as Kim broke into a smile, "voicemail" she mouthed to Jen.

'Adam...hey..I guess you're still's just I miss safe? Okay. Call me when you can..I love you'

Once she ended the call she handed the phone back to Jen, "Thanks, now give me a cookie"

He could hear the sounds of cabinets being slammed and he was pretty sure Atwater was singing, Adam groaned as he rolled over and his head felt like a jackhammer was inside it.

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