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— minghao... baobei, it's time to wake up.

— stop, it's too early.

— we're actually late. the boys left already.

— come on, babe. i told them we'd be there by five-thirty. and you got to shower.

— are you saying i smell bad?

— no. you even smell really good.

junhui wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's body, breathing into his neck and also giving him kisses.

— it's ticking me, stop...

— not until you stand up and get ready.

there was moment of silence until the younger rolled over the bed.

— you're heavy. i can't breathe.

— you're so gorgeous. i can't breathe.

minghao hid his face behind his hands, letting out a groan of embarassment.

— go away, junhui. you're gross.

junhui gives him one last kiss before standing up. a smile creeping up on his mouth, he saw minghao cutely blinking the sleep away from his eyes.

— i give you ten minutes.

— whatever, loser.

junhui let out a laugh.

— i love you too.

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