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— i'm hungry.

— same.

— let's order food.

— but the others will ask to buy some for them.

— we don't have to eat home.

— but, it's a rule we all agreed on: if you buy something, buy for the other members.

— come on, babe. we don't always have to respect this rule 24/7. hansol and chan buy themselves drinks, and do we get some?

minghao shook his head.

— exactly.

minghao hesitated.

— okay. but only this time.

— promise.

— pinky promise?

he pulled his shortest finger out, earning a small chuckle from the elder.

— pinky promise.

junhui linked his pinky with his boyfriend's, a wide smile all over his lips.

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swollensoul: congrats to carats who survived after seeing these gifs

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swollensoul: congrats to carats who survived after seeing these gifs. haha, i'm kidding.

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