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— remember what you did to me last time?

— babe, don't even start.

— i'm still pissed, though. i told you not to get close to him, and yet you still went to eat out with him and laughed at his lame jokes.

— i told you there was nothing going on between us. now, just get over it and eat.

minghao put more vegetables in junhui's plate and put some in his own. they ignored the eyes on them and continued eating.

— i can't.

— please, let's not talk about this here.

— no. let's talk about it now.

— stop.

they glared at each other.


— whatever.

jeonghan cleared his throat, setting his fork on the table. he didn't like the chinese members fighting. he didn't exactly understand what they were saying, but he could guess by seeing their dark expressions.

— guys, stop. this is not the right moment.

— shut up. you got no saying in this, hyung.

seungcheol frowned.

— jun, watch your mouth! apologize.

— no.

— junhui, now.


junhui closed his eyes and took a deep breath. his hand clenched around his fork. when he opened his eyes, the first thing that caught his sight was the look on his lover's face. his anger decreased and his eyes softened.

— i'm sorry.

he searched for minghao's hand and gently squeezed it in his own.

— i'm sorry, babe.

they sweetly smiled at each other, making jeonghan smile too. junhui leaned forward and pecked the younger's lips.

— gross.

— get a room.

— seriously?!

— i lost my apetite now.

the others members complained, and some left the dining room. that included seungkwan and dokyeom, of course.

swollensoul: first fight, but i felt bad so i made it end quickly.

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