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warning: little bit of mature contents so read at your own discretion ;)


junhui crossed his arms and stood near the front door, in the dark. few seconds later, chan and minghao opened the door and jumped in surprise.

— you're late.

chan smiled nervously. he knew junhui didn't like being left behind and could get jealous at anything.

— sorry. we were practicing the new choreography.

the older raised a brow, earning a confused look from the youngest.

— what's wrong, hyung?

— nothing. just go sleep, chan.

once their youngest member left, junhui turned around and pointed minghao by the finger.

— and you, we need to talk.

before he could say a word, minghao was pulled away and suddenly pushed against a wall. he felt flustered when he saw how close his boyfriend's face was.

— tell me. did you really just practice the new choreography with chan? or you lied to me and did some other things?

— jun, i'm not lying.

minghao felt hands grip his thin waist, and shivers through his body. his boyfriend leaned closer and his lips touched his skin, right between his jaw and the base of his neck.

— jun, what are you doing? i'm tired.

— are you sure you haven't done dirty things with our cute little maknae? huh? did he touch you like i am right now? did he kiss you like i always do? babe, tell me. did he f-

— junhui, stop.

minghao closed his eyes as he felt junhui breathed onto his collarbone. he was covered in sweat, yet his boyfriend was still sniffing him like a dog.

— you smell nice.

— can you not?

minghao pushed junhui away and was ready to walk away, but he was stopped. with lips against his jaw, the younger's heart skipped a beat. his eyes rolled back and he let out a quiet moan. junhui just knew him too well for his own good.

— do you like it? when i kiss you like this.

minghao stayed silent until the older sucked onto his skin. he bit onto his lower lip to muffle his moans. junhui hugged him by the waist, literally grinding against him. his hands went down, his fingers massaging right above his member. the younger threw his head back, digging his nails into junhui's shoulders.

— minghao, babe.

— hm?

— i love you so much.

— i-i-i love y-you too, ugh.

— what's wrong, baby?

junhui smirked. it turned him on to see minghao in such a state. weak and vulnerable.

— n-no-th-thing.

— don't lie, baby. tell me what's wrong. it turns you on when i do this?

he pressed harder on his skin, making minghao felt his knees weakened.

— jun...

— tell me, baby.

— i-i, ugh.


suddenly, a door opened in the apartment, making junhui pull away from his boyfriend. minghao silently whined and stumbled on his feet. the older "innocently" smiled to seungcheol, who looked at them with tired and confused eyes.

— guys, it's late. what are you doing?

— nothing, hyung. we were about to go... sleep.

junhui leaned forward and whispered onto minghao's ear.

— let's continue this in my room. the boys are heavy sleepers.

swollensoul: bad smut, woop. thought it'd be good but guess it didn't. anyways. few chapters left until the end.

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