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— breakfeast's ready, babe.

minghao pecked junhui's cheek. he yelped when the older wrapped his long arm around his thin waist and rolled them over the bed.

— you smell good.

minghao chuckled at the ticklish feeling when junhui breathed in the crook of his neck and touched his lower back under his shirt with his slender fingers.

— stop. the boys are waiting for us.

— i don't want to.

— too bad because i'm starving. and our manager is expecting us at 9:45.

minghao pushed his boyfriend and stood out of his bed.

— i'll keep a plate for you.

the door suddenly opened, making them flinch over the thick red blanket.

— guys, hurry up! you can f-

— hansol! language!

— hansol! language!

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swollensoul: seventeen kills me everyday

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swollensoul: seventeen kills me everyday. and their mv is coming out on my birthday! anyone knows at what time? there is 13 hours difference with korea here... ;-;

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