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are you still mad?

about what?

about last night.

what happened last night? :o

don't play that game with me, ming.

you know what i'm talking about.

i really don't remember!


— hello?

— minghao...

— why are you even calling me? i am like next door. and go record your parts before jihoon beats you up.

— don't ignore the subject, ming... are you pissed you didn't get what you wanted?

minghao could mentally see his boyfriend smirk on the other side of the line. he scoffed at how ridiculous the older was.

— no.

— don't lie to me, babe.

— junhui, can you stop? dammit. you can't live one day without you getting jealous and damn horny at anything. i go out with the boys, you assume i do dirty things with one of them! i talk to another member, you assume i'm cheating on you! i get close to another boy and you try to freaking punish me for being a bad boy!

minghao didn't care if the other members present in the studio with him were looking at him. he hung up and harshly threw his phone on the closest cushion.

— minghao, are you alright? was it jun?

— oh? yeah. how did you know?

— you were screaming in chinese.

wonwoo patted his shoulder and he sighed.

— i'm just tired of his attitude.

— it's okay, it happens.


minghao leaned his head on wonwoo's shoulder when the door suddenly bursted open, making everyone in the room jump.

— sorry... i kind of forgot there would be other people. minghao, can i talk to you?

minghao looked at wonwoo, who gently pushed him, with worried eyes.

— i'll bring him back soon.

— take all your time, boys!

at the same time, junhui and minghao turned around, and pulled out their tongues at wonwoo and jeonghan.

— they're cute.

— i know right?

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