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— what do you want to talk about? i got nothing to say.

— i got a lot to say, actually.

— do fast... or manager-hyung will notice we're gone.

— minghao, baby. please.

— what are you waiting for? i'm listening.

— don't say a word before i finish what i want to say, okay? okay?

— mhm...

— i know it's not what you want to hear, but i'm sorry. i'm sorry for being jealous and horny all the time. i'm not horny all the time though... it's just to be funny. anyway, sorry again for all the bad times you must have gone through because of me. like the time i came home drunk... or that moment when i got jealous of hansol. i'm sorry for being an arrogant brat. i'm sorry for being the worse boyfriend you probably h-

— yah! stop here.

junhui flinched at his boyfriend's sudden outburst.

— when did i ever say you were the worse boyfriend i ever had? first of all, i've never dated anyone before you! i'm not planning on dating anyone else either! apart from being part of seventeen, you're probably the bet thing that happened to me. even though i call you a pervert and annoying all the time, i still love you deeply from the bottom of my heart.

junhui tried to hide his smile. he saw the tears on minghao's cheeks and wiped them away. making sure to make eye contact with the younger.

— and you call me a loser...

minghao scoffed.

— that's all you have to say? incredible.

— i don't care. you still love me and i love you. that's all matters.

— you're such a loser.

— we're both losers for each other. you can't deny it.

— i'm not either.

— say it.

— we're both losers for each other.

with that, minghao held junhui's hand and gave him a peck on the lips.

with that, minghao held junhui's hand and gave him a peck on the lips

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