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minghao got out of the shower and noticed he forgot to bring a towel with him. he walked to the door and opened it, making sure no one could see him drenched like a puppy coming from under the rain.

— junhui?

fortunately, his boyfriend was awake and close enough to hear him.

— yes, babe?

— i-i-i... need a towel.

junhui laughed and handed the first towel he grabbed in the closet near their room.

— open the door.

— no.

— minghao...

— no.

— come on, or i'll kick it open.

minghao hesitated before opening the door to his lover, making sure the towel was correctly wrapped around his waist.

he blushed, seeing how the other's eyes were visually devouring him.

— oh, babe...

— shut up.

— what are you shy about? i've seen a lot more than this...

junhui wiggled his eyebrows seductively... well, he tried to, only getting a weird look from the taller.

— pervert.

— and you love that pervert.

— and i still wonder why... now get out.

junhui refused, putting his hands around minghao's thin waist, and started to tickle him. the younger couldn't help but laugh out loud, trying to free himself. they only stopped when they heard the other members screamed for them to shut up.

— sorry!

the couple smiled at each other.

just few seconds after, junhui leaned forward to peck minghao's lips.

— i'll go sleep first.

— goodnight.

— goodnight, love.

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