Meet the Bounty Hunter (Team Fortress 2 fanfic)

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(There will be some Australian slang words in here so if you laugh at some of the words, just look it up to understand where it's getting at. Everyone besides My character and her parents belong to Valve. That being said, I hope you enjoy.)

Sydney, Australia

Time: 9:30

Year: 2001

The city was as busy as ever for the weekend, some would say something was off, others would just go along with it. On the south end of this area, there was a small apartment building, it was nothing specail really. More to the fact, it looked old and ready to fall in on itself at any day. Yet, in the room 4E, two relatives were on a mission of some sort. Two sofas sat in the middle of the living room, with a Sniper behind one to the left side of the room. He grabbed his rifle and readied it to the other furniture in front of him, trying not to be seen. He mumbled under his breath,

"Where did that little ankle biter  go?"

His right eye, focused on the rifle scope, spot a little piece of  hair that stood out of the furniture in front of him. He chuckled, this was going to be too easy. Right before he was able to pull the triger however, that little hair strand left. He got his face out of the weapon and walked towards the sofa where that strand of head fur was at. Nothing. Absolutely nothing behind the sofa. Strange. He scratched his head out of confusion. Before the Sniper could even think for a moment. A small figure pounced from behind him yelling,


The assassin was now pinned to the floor from the height ontop of him. He laughed though. This didn't seem like a serious mission. No, it was just a playdate with his favorite and only neice. Her name was Jewel. She was about the age of 6 at this time. Her hair was black, yet when light shined upon it, it would seem blue. Even for a toddler at this age, she seemed so energetic and cheerful. The assassin got back up with the toddler staying on the floor.

"Stuffed out already uncle? Your no fun."

The young girl said in a taunting matter. The Sniper looked down at his niece with a deceiving smile.

"Me? Nah I ain't stuffed. Even if I was, I wouldn't be able to do this."

That being said, he ran straight at Jewel, causing the two of them to play a game of cat and mouse, just chasing each other around and around. Until the assassin picked up the toddler by her sides and raising her up high in the air like a victory item. An hour went by and the entrance door opened. Showing a husband and wife, all fancy and dressed, walk into the small apartment compliance. The couple smiled to see everything in the living room wasn't a mess. That is until they heard Jewel and Sniper talking in the toddler's room.  The dad walked up to the room door and put an ear on it's surface, not to disturb their conversation. When in the room, The Sniper sat young Jewel on her bed and he knelled down to her height.

"Do you really have to go? Why can't you just live here with me and my oldies?"

"I wish I can Jewel, but, some things come up now and then. Plus, I don't think there will be enough room in here for the 4 of us."

Jewel began to pout. Out of all of her family members, her uncle was the one who had the most fun with her. Not even her parents did that since they were rarely in the house overall. Wherever he was going, she'd miss him. Jewel didn't notice it at first, but she had her attention to the floorboards through the whole conversation. What made her realize it, was when her uncle placed his fingers under her chin and brought her face back up to see his.

"Don't worry Jewel, before you know it, I'll come back another day faster than yo-" He was interrupted by the sound of the room door opening. Jewel's parents looked at the uncle and niece in a blank yet happy expression. The toddlers father moved his head in that universal sign of  "it's time for you to leave". Before the assassin got up and out, he whispered to the child,

"Plus, between you and I, there should be a little prezzy under the sofa for you."

Soon the three adults left the room. Jewel's eyes grew wide in awe. Just as anyone her age would feel, she just loved presents. She tip-toed out of her room and snatched the gift when her parents and uncle were talking enough to not notice her. She quickly ran back to the room, opened the present, and gave a warm smile. It was a hunting hat, it seemed a little big for her though. This didn't bother her though, she can just wear it when she's full grown. She hid the gift under the bed, and crawled under the covers for a goodnight rest. When outside where the adults are just about to escorting Sniper,

"Are you really going to do this? A life of battle isn't really good oil mate." The father said.

Sniper just brushed off that comment, "No worries chap, the worst that could happen is that I die on the way to the war grounds."

The couple looked at each other with faces of dread and nervousness. "Alright, if you really think being a professional hunter in battle is the job for you, we hope to see you again one day." The mother said. Soon they parted ways, and outside, the Sniper exhaled and looked back up to the window of the room he was just in. He said under his breath, "One day hopfully."
    Yet there was one mistake that the parents never told Jewel about that night that would infect her in the future. They never told her that the night she spent with her uncle, would be the last time she would see him, ever again.

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