Meet the Bounty Hunter (Team Fortress 2 fanfic)

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Year: 2013

Sydney, Australia

Time: 10:29 am

A room filled with darkness, except for the shimmer of sunlight that is coming from the window, covered with blinds and the clock on a girl's alarm clock. She seemed so peaceful in her sleep, almost as if she was dead. The time soon turned to 10:30am and the alarm went off by turning on the radio.

"Now, for a much requested song from America for all of those rock fans out there. From the band known as ''Puddle Of Mudd', here it is, Blurry." 

The song started to play, it sounded peaceful but had a bit of an edge to it. The girl woke and with a smile on her face. "This is why I love this station, they play good music." She thought. The girl got up and uncovered the blinds from her room. This girl was an older Jewel. A much different Jewel. Her hair went from Black to Navy Blue with one of her bangs being red.

Jewel yawned ans stretched, went to her drawers, got her cloths, and started her morning just as any other day. Breakfast, showers, teeth cleaning, etc. After she was done with breakfast however,  she noticed a note on the table. Just seeing the word on there, "chores" seems like work was to be needed. She grabbed the paper and only saw one job to finish. The dreaded chore of cleaning the furniture.
Being too lazy, she went up to the couches in the living room and just sat on them while dust came out of them like a dust storm. She coughed everyone in a while, then proceeded back to her room when it was all done. She sat on her window sill and looked at the busy street. It looked so nice. Best thing is, she had the perfect view of the ocean side over all of the building ceilings. She closed her eyes and took deep breathes. Relaxing.

Then the doorbell buzzed. She screeched and jumped until she hit the floor on her back. "For God's Sake." She mumbled. She proceeded towards the door to only see the postman, otherwise known as the postie.

"This is room 4E am I correct?"

Jewel exhaled, she nodded, she felt too lazy to take care of any mails her parents get every month. The postman then proceeded to look through his bag until her got a few envelopes and handed them the the navy blue hair girl. She soon walked away and closed the door with her foot. She skimmed through the titled. "Let's see, docket, docket, docket, tax, tax..." She soon stopped at the envelope that was rather a rotten yellow with black marker writing on it. Jewel Tilted her hear, what the hell was this? She got a butter knife, opened the letter and began to read.

"Dear Brother,
You should understand that this letter will be one of the times I will ever get to send something to you for communication. Nevertheless, I have been tinny over the time in the field. Hell believe it or not, it's much more fun when you experience it for yourself. Anyways, I don't want to have you and your cook to be bored shitless or to tear up over this letter. So this will be my sign to know that I am still alive, and won't be going anywhere from this world..."

Bored- shitless is right, Jewel thought when rolling her eyes. This was getting ridiculous, this must've been sent to the wrong address. However, she was rather nosy at things like this so she skimmed it until, one word caught her eye. Jewel. She went back to read the paragraph.

"...and one more thing, Jewel, my little niece, I hope nothing bad has happened to you over this time. I don't want  you to get damaged by anything. Even if it was from some sort of break up with a boyfriend of any kind. Your a mallee bull Jewel. Don't ever forget that. I hope one day, I could see that little black, or dark blue hair of your's again. I miss you and your oldies over there.
                                                                       Warm Regards,
                                                                                        Your Brother and Uncle,

Uncle? Since when did I ever had an uncle? So many questions filled the girl'd mind. She doesn't remember ever having another relative besides her parents and grandparents. An Uncle? There's no way this could be her family. Just then her Father came bursting through the door with groceries in his hands. "G'day Sleepin' Beauty." He said while placing the food bags on the table. Jewel didn't turn to him. She was still trying to process this letter. She didn't even respond, she just stood there like a statue. Frozen. Her dad walked up to her and snatched the letter out of her hand. Jewel then moved in shock.

Her Dad's expression was in shook too. He turned to Jewel, "Where in the bloody hell did you get this at?" The blue haired girl was confused, "So this letter is for us?" She replied in a rather aggravated tone. Jewel's father nodded. She heard him mumble, "Just when I thought he was cactus." She yelled at him "YET YOU NEVER REMINDED ME ABOUT HIM!?" Her dad looked at her, he sighed and place the letter down. "It was for a good reason, he's an assassin Jewel. He's violent and a terrible idle to anyone." "HE'S MY UNCLE YOU DILL!! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT WE MIGHT HAVE HAD FUN TOGETHER!? WHY DO THINK BEING A KILLER MAKES HIM SOME SORT OF-". Her father interrupted her. "BECAUSE YOU WERE FOLLOWING HIS FOOTSTEPS!! YOU GREW MORE VIOLENT THE MORE TIME YOU SPENT WITH HIM!!" Jewel grinned her teeth. She had rage unlike anything else on this planet.

"Besides, even if I never told you about him, you would still continue life as it is Jewel. Your about to go off to college,  start a new life? Why do you now care about him anyways?" Jewel walked further to her father until she was staring straight into his eyes. "Because he might have been the only one who had fun with me." Then walked to her room and locked the door. She clenched her fists and tried not to lash out. Jewel sat on her bed and covered her face. She felt something behind her right foot. She stopped to check what it was. It felt like a block or a brick. She grabbed it and noticed, it was a rotting present. from 12 years ago.

She quickly opened the lid, and found a dull gray-brown hat with a feather with the colors resembling fire next to it. Jewel remembered the feather, since it was from her first hunting session, but the hat? She quickly grabbed the item and flipped it to find a small sticky note inside. She read it. "TO: The Little Ankle Biter" It had the same hand writing as the letter.

Jewel put the head-wear on. It was a perfect fit. After all these years, a perfect fit. She closed her eyes and sighed. For all she knew, that letter could have been sent a long time ago and barely came now. In other words, if Jewel didn't knew, Sniper could have been dead. She opened her eyes again and gave a determined look. The girl now knows what to do now. If the Sniper can't come to her, she needs to go to him for a little... Family Reunion.

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