Meet the Bounty Hunter (Team Fortress 2 fanfic)

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Sniper walked into the mess-hall casually, trying not to seem 'out of character' around his teammates, especially with the news he had in store for his little niece. Before he could stop and try to find her, he was brought aside by an, oddly friendly Scout. The boy put his arm around the assassin's shoulder, almost as if they were friends. "Hey, Snipe, haven't seen you in a while buddy, how's it hangin?" Scout said with a hide grin. Sniper gave him a concerned look, "what the hell did this boy drink?" was the first thing that came to his mind. Nevertheless, he responded respectfully, "Good, I just went to go talk with the Administrator and Saxton for a while." Scout soon lead Sniper to the table he was sitting which was on the other side of the room, away from Engineer, Medic and Heavy. "Oh really? That's goo-no. No it's fascinating. Really I would LOVE to hear mo-" Right when Scout was going to finish, Sniper cut him off with, "Jewel's being a bit of a pain to you isn't she?" He told the boy with a humorous smirk. This made Scout shut up for a moment. Yep, Sniper broke him. He knew why Scout was being so nice. With that, the jockey let out a sigh and whispered to him, "I want her outta here." Sniper's expression grew a bit grim and aggravated. "She might look nice, but she's just a pain. Plus if she stays here, she'll just slow us down, and that's the last thing we need. All of us promised we would try our best to have RED win the territories when Redmond died, we don't need a little kid to stop that."

Everything grew silent except for the men eating and talking in the background. Sniper didn't respond for a moment, then he chuckled and patted Scout's back. "Trust me, She has my and her father's strength." He then began to walk away towards Engineer's table. Sniper then slows halfway to yell out something so that everyone can here, "Besides!" He sarcastically laughed a little. "They said if she can prove herself worthy of the team, she can stay!" Then walked in normal speed. The people on Scout's table sounded like they were a bit pissed, which made Sniper, and even Engineer, cackle. The assasin then took a seat next to the hard-hatted man and his friends. When it occured to him. Jewel wasn't in the room. Last time he saw, Engineer let her go and was her little guardian for the day. His expression seemed a bit paranoid and he stopped with his small laughter. "Iz somzing vrong Sniper?" Medic asked when he saw the man's expression. To give Sniper some reinsurance, he turned and scanned the entie room to find his niece somewhere so he could feel relived. Nothing. She was gone.

Sniper bumped Engineer's elbow, "Where's Jewel at?" The hard hat calmed himself down from the earlier humor act, "Oh the little diamond? Don't worry, the girl's up on the roof." Not worry? It's a roof, and with Scout seeming to be causing a pain in Jewel's side, she could have committed suicide and they wouldn't notice. Sniper then ran out of the room, leading everyone to wonder what the hell was going on. The assassin found the ladder to the roof, quickly climbed it with terrible scenarios coming in and out of his thoughts. Right when he had a good view of anything that could be waiting for him. He quietly sighed and praised god for what he found. Jewel. Just the way Engineer said. Sniper knocked on the roof to get Jewel's attention. Well it worked. The niece turned her head, and her eyes widen, "Uncle?" She sat up. Sniper then carried himself onto the roof, "What in the bloody hell are you doin' up here? You almost gave me a heart attack down there." He walked up and sat next to her. "I just needed to get out is all, it's what I did back home, so why can't I do it here?" She said as she curled her legs,wrapped them together with her arms, and looked out at the sky. It was night. The moon was full, giving off a luminescent white light.

Sniper looked at her, "Well this isn't Sydney Ankle Biter, this is a battle station, you need to be careful what you do here, hell for all you know you could get yourself..." The girl turned her head and stared down at the roof's board. She knew what her uncle was trying to say, so why would he need to point it out. Backtracking his words, Sniper sat back a little and said in a low tone, "Oh. Um. Sorry about that. It kind of slipped the tounge." After that, the two didn't talk for 5 minutes. What was there to talk about? Jewel then turned to her left, and gave her uncle the BONK! soda she saved him. He said thanks, and for a minute, everything just got quiet again. For bonding, this was more awkward than it should be. Then again, how could you start a conversation with someone who you haven't seen in 13 years? Sniper needed to think of a topic before she thought he was some sort of anti-socailist or something. Then it hit him. He looked at her, and noticed her hair. Perfect.

"What did you to your hair?" he asked. Jewel's expression grew a bit pissed, but surprised. She turned to her uncle who seemed interested. "My hair?" Sniper nodded. "I've had my hair a dull navy blue, every since I was born, and your barley asking me, ho-" Before she could start a rant, Sniper stopped her, "No it's not about your hair color." He sounded a bit amussed by her reaction to his question, "I mean why did you put it in that style?" Jewel tilted her head like a confused pug. "What....what do you mean?" "Well, last ime I saw you, your hair was straight, and it looked nice and polished. Now one one side of your hair looks combed, the other, well..." Sniper said when pointing out the left side of Jewel's hair, which looked similar to a similar blue video game hedgehog's hair style, but going in frount of her head, instad of behind her. "Oh, my hair style. Well-" A loud voice yelled out to the relatives and the team, "Alright magets! Bedtime! We have a lot to do tommorow!"

Jewel smiled in humor, "I guess I can tell you next time." The uncle and niece got up and made their ways towards the ladder, "That's weird, we're supposed to have an off day tomorrow." Sniper told Jewel. The girl shrugged at him, "Maybe you have some sort of meeting?" Sniper didn't respond. The two got back to regular hall that held the team heading to their sleeping quarters.

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