Meet the Bounty Hunter (Team Fortress 2 fanfic)

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Life was finally coming back, but blurry. Jewel slowly came out of her unconsciousness and a little sick. As her sight was slowly coming back, along with her senses, she saw what looked like a wooden floor, and her arms felt tied up. With this, Jewel pulled her head up to see what was in front of her. She swore she saw two men, both wearing red and seemed to be talking. Her vision was getting better now, and her area looked to be similar to a shed, especially with some weapons and tools that were hanged behind the men. Then finally she came snapped into reality, with that, she let her head sink back down and moan in the pain that came from her head.

"Hah! See? I told ya she would be alright."

Jewel then heard familiar footsteps coming towards her, she looked up then shot a deadly glare at the man before her now. This was the man who knocked her out with that damned bat, Otherwise known as, The Scout. Jewel struggled to loosen herself from the ropes that held her writes together.Nothing. "Sorry lady, even though I wanna let ya' outta hea', I got ordas from the boss to make sure ya' stay put. Understand?" Jewel didn't like this guy, not one bit. She stopped trying to escape and stood there looking at him, aggravated."Get the fuck out of my face."She said. The Scout backed up, he shrugged at her with a humorous smirk, "Alright, Yo' Funeral." He turned and walked out of the room, only leaving Jewel and the other man alone. Silence filled for a good minute. Jewel didn't want to make eye contact with the other man, thinking she made a bit of a bad first impression. She heard a small chuckle, "Don't worry about them scouts miss, they're just tryin' to seem tough when really." He paused to chuckle again at what he was saying. "They're just a bunch of  babies."

Jewel cackled at this, it looked rather true. "It seems you have a point." She replied. "Who are you, if you don't mind me asking?" The man tipped the yellow hard had on his head to her, "Engineer, or for Scout's nickname of me, 'Hard hat', and yours?" She finally had the courage to look at him, and smiled. "Jewel." is all she said. It took an hour or at least half an hour, but Sniper came into the room. The sight of Jewel being tied up horrified him a little. He walked up to her, trying to sound polite. "I'm sorry it came to this Jewel, I did warn you to quite down back there-. His niece interrupted, "Spare me the speech please. Nevertheless you were right. This part was my fault. I was stubborn and I should have listened, and I'm sorry." Sniper smiled at what she said. "No need for apologies ankle biter." He turned to look at the Engineer, "She wasn't a handful with ya', was she?" "Nope, in fact, she was as silent as a mouse." He replied. "Good." Sniper proceeded to walk out of the room, but stopped halfway, "By the way, please untie her, I don't think she'll cause any of us harm."

Engineer did so and walked Jewel out as well. She rubbed her writes as they walked. "Why did you guys needed to tie me up in the first place?" Jewel asked. The Engineer sighed, "Well Miss Jewel, it's simple. You were in intruder that scurried her way into this here problem. Normally, guards or scanners would have shot ya' on contact, but they thought you were your uncle, so they disregarded everythin'." Jewel remembered that thought, now it all made sense to her. "However, knowin' your a relative of our Sniper, He's tryin' to persuade our bosses in lettin' you join our little team we have here." The two stopped as they came across a door that looked like a 'pull-it-up-yourself' garage door. Jewel looked at the man before her said, "Team?" With that the door automatically opened to reveal a bunch of men, training, talking, or sleeping on a work bench, both big and small. "The Reliable Excavative Demolition, or R.E.D for short." Engineer replied as walking into the room, leaving Jewel to stand there in awe. Shaking back to reality, she ran up to Engineer who appeared to have his own training station. He showed her his responsibilities and told her about everyone else, especially her uncle. Jewel saw him build Sentries, Dispensers, and Teleporters, and was rather intrigued by it. Meanwhile some of the men were watching the girl, and weren't to happy about to see her in the same building.

After hours flew by, everyone left the room. "Well woulg'a look at the time? Already 6." Engineer said while turning to see the clock that was mounted on the wall. Com'on Jewel, time ta eat." Jewel stood up, but didn't take her eyes off of the wrench the man left on the floor. "Do you think you can teach me how to do this one day?" she asked still standing. Engineer stopped and looked at her, "If you live maybe, but that's when I think you're ready to learn." Then he proceeded to walk. Jewel slowly left the room while examining her area, she was in. She smirked and said to herself, "Maybe, just maybe." Then ran to catch up with, what might be, her newly found friend.

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