Meet the Bounty Hunter (Team Fortress 2 fanfic)

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               Bangs, thuds, screams, explosion sounds, etc. Jewel heard the many sounds of war, just from hiding from one place to another. Just for the sake of seeing her uncle. This seemed rather stupid to others, but, family is family. Right? Jewel stayed behind a wodden fence, crouching down, trying not to be seen. She slowly walked around up and down, left and right, everywhere, but no Snipers in sight. This is where she got to the point to maybe just leave and go back home. Yet she looked around the red men's side of the arena for one last time. Until she found a hidden room that most of the soldiers didn't even notice.

                   Jewel walked in, and saw stairs leading upwards with what sounded like someone snoring like a lawnmower. The girl slowly walked up and just saw a man sleeping on a chair, a hunter's hat on his head looked like it slid down to his face. Jewel still continued to walked towards the man due to curiosity. When she was at least got a foot away from the man, his snoring sounded so much like her Father's. So this should be him if any. Yet there is only one way to figure out if this is The Sniper or not. Jewel slowly grabbed the hat covering the man's face, and then quickly took it off. She grew a face of tension when she saw something preventing her discovery. The man was also wearing glasses, sun glasses that looked like the lens were to be an orange yellow.

                 Now if this were her uncle, she would have just strangled him by now. In fact she did that motion with her hands after she saw the glasses. Jewel then inhaled and exhaled to calm down. She then slowly and steadily took hold of the glasses, taking them off to see who this guy was. She did this all by closing her eyes, to give herself a surprise. When the sunglasses fully came off, she opened her eyes to see the man on the chair. Jewel's heart stopped, she smiled and wanted to cry so badly. This was him. The Sniper. Her uncle. Thank god this was him. Jewel was so excited to see him, she was just about to wake him up, until.


Jewel quickly looked outside where a small window was at. She was seeing the men in red dying, losing. Normaly she wouldn't care about this situation at the moment. Until her eyes grew wide in realization. Those men were on her uncle's team. Jewel was in a state of panic. Should she help them or should she wake her uncle up? The girl second thought herself with every thought she made. Until she she remembered the rifle she stole from that locker. Where she put it, she can't remember. That's until she saw another rifle next to the Sniper's chair. "That was convenient " Jewel thought. She grabbed the weapon, went to the window, reloaded the gun which wasn't that hard to do, and aimed.

She sood there, having her eye on the sniper scope, trying to aim for some sort of limb on the men in blue. Jewel whispered to herself, "Alright, if memory severs me well, hopfully, I just need to aim for those bloody little wankers-". She accidently pulled the trigger, headshotting a man, big and strong with a machine gun (otherwise known as the Heavy). Her expression was just a mixture of shock and a poker face. Jewel  had no comment on what just happened except for, "That answers my question." She then continued to shot any fighter that came into her sight. Whether it was a Scout or a Heavy, she tried to shot the down. After a while, she started to find all of this fun. She began to laugh at the people she killed, yet she had never done that before.

Right before she was going to shoot down a guy in goggles and hardhat, she heard a clang noise of a gun come to her head. Everything inside of Jewel's body just stopped, she felt the head of the enemy gun on the side of her skull already. "Stay down mate." 'That voice' she thought. It- It can't be...' Jewel slowly turned her head to the right and up. The gun was being held by the Sniper. He didn't look so happy to see her. Not happy at all.

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