Meet the Bounty Hunter (Team Fortress 2 fanfic)

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After hours and hours of waiting, finally, the night flew into world around this niece. Her father held onto that note all day since he snatched it from her. Especially for Jewel's mother to see. Now they are asleep though, this is time for Jewel to take action. She slowly opened the door at 11:00 pm, and tip-toed to the kitchen, trying to be as quiet as a mouse. Few steps later, she quickly grabbed the envelope to the letter and read the address. Just seeing the digits sent chills up Jewel's spine.

"Oh bloody hell...the doomsday territory."

Jewel remembered the rumors of this place, how when trespassers die before they even step foot on the grounds of the doomsday field. Maybe this idea of sneaking out wasn't such a good idea after all. Then again, family is family, they always come first, no matter the case. That is what the girl was taught after all. This tension was getting the better of her, Jewel can just feel it surrounding her. She grabbed the envelope, walked back to her room, and started to pack. She got the essentials, money, clothes, her phone, the works. She grabbed her hat the Sniper gave her that day, attached the feather in the box to the strip of the head-ware, put her boots on, but she felt something else was missing. What was it though?

That's when it came to her. Jewel forgot to leave a bit of a note for her parents to know where she left to. That being done, she walked out the door, the building, then she went to the bus station. She sat at a bench, waiting and thinking of what she's went through for those 12-13 years. It seemed so normal, now look what she was doing. The bus finally came, Jewel stood up, when the doors busted opened, she gave the driver a smug look, and walked in.


"Why! Hey Kid! Wake up!"

Jewel jumped up from her sleep. She looked at the driver who was still driving.

"You okay back there?"

"Yeah, I'm still alive, so that's an ace." Jewel responded while stretching and cleaning the crust out her eyes.

The rest of the ride was 2 hours long, the first hour and a half was nothing but silence, since Jewel needed to clear her mind before anything else accorded.

"Okay girl, what type of business do you have to go to the Doomsday territory anyways?"

Jewel thought for a second before speaking. "I have some unfinished business with someone."


Jewel smirked. Family. Calling a Sniper family. It sounded so terrible, but yet, it felt so right to her. "I guess you can say that."

That being said, the bus was at a halt. Jewel looked outside from her window. There is was, the Doomsday Delivery Battlegrounds. It looked so big up close. The neice grabbed her things, and exited the veichle. Right when she set both of her feet on the grounds,

"I'll make sure to write a will for you girl" Then the bus drove off in a fast pace. Jewel held her hat so it wouldn't fly away from the veichles wind. She closed her eyes, wished herself luck, and walked up to the front gate. Cries of screams were able to be heard from there on. At this point, Jewel just thought of going back home, but seeing where she was now, it was too late for that option. So it was rather to survive or die.

The inside of the building for the territory was rather retro, it had both a futuristic and old fashion look to it.. Soon after she heard a female announcer, "Welcome to the Doomsday area! Retrieve the Australiam before the enemy does!"

Jewel shrugged to the voice, and went to battlefeild. However before she was able to enter the feild, there was a force-field that stopped her from doing so. "Oh great, now what?" Thats when a noise came from behind her.It sounded like someone reloading. Jewel turned to see a locker that looked like it would be filled with medic supplies. She walked towards it, opened the doors, and found a bunch of weapons, labled with classes. She chuckled. "Ohhh~ This is going to be ace~." She looked around until one word popped out for her. "Sniper"

She smiled, this was the class her uncle is in. It has to be. She looked through the weapons, they were all rifles, nice ones in fact. After a minute, she found one with feathers on the ends. That was her choice. Final. Then she grabbed a shotgun from the engineer class, then a dagger from the Sniper class to go with the rifle. Soon, she took one step out of the facility to the feild. Red men killing the men in blue, and so on. "Now what's one way I can find 'uncle sniper' without getting sprung?" Is what Jewel thought when she looked around the area.


Back in Sydney. Jewel's parents are waking up, when their timer rang. 9:30 am. Her father was the first one to walk out to the kitchen, then to stop to see another letter on the counter. He quickly grabbed it, and his expression grew grim. Jewel's mother walked out and saw him just standing there. "Love? Is there something wrong?" She asked her husband. He turned to see his wife with a face of terror, he turned around and showed her a note that said in big letters, " SNIPING RUNS IN MY BLOOD, IM OFF " with a picture of  a sniper rifle drawn on the lower right corner.

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