Meet the Bounty Hunter (Team Fortress 2 fanfic)

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Coming and entering the lunch room of the RED facility, the area looked as though it sent mixed signals to Jewel when the garage like door opened. It looked like a mess hall for prisoners, yet the tables looked modern. Engineer bumped Jewel before fully entering the room. "Listen here, when you get your food, you find me as fast as you can." He whispered. "Why do I need to do that?" Jewel couldn't tell, but Engineer looked at some of his teammates with concern and back at the girl. He replied, " 'Cause I got a bad feelin' the boys here aren't likein' you one bit." He said as he pointed to one of the tables with at least two men, glaring at the hard-hat man and the Sniper niece. With that he walked towards the tables filled with a variety of foods and left Jewel there in her place.

Jewel scanned the room, not paying attention to the glaring men, then ran off to the food table, located at the other side of the room. When arriving, the variety of foods seemed to have been reduced, the only things that seemed to be tasty to the girl were a sandvich, steak, and something that looked like mold that was in a bowl. The only food that seemed to have many flavors of was the BONK! soda. Jewel exhaled greif, "Well, it's better than starving to death." She said under her breath. Jewel grabbed at least two sodas, one for her, another for Sniper in case he came to the room. She then went to get a sandvhich on the other end of the table. Inspecting them closely, since she was picky on meat, once she found a sandvhich she might have liked. Suddenly, a hand slapped everything out of her hand, letting the food spill everywhere and having all of the RED team stop and stare for a while.

Jewel turned to where the hand was at, of course she saw him coming. Scout was the one to slap her food out of reach. "What the hell was that for!?" She yelled at him. "You think yo gonna get food?" He cackled, "Oh no. We men here work our asses off to get this stuff, and no 'girly-girl' is gonna come in and tell us otherwise." Jewel gave him a deadly stare and clenched her fist and grind-ed her teeth. "Did you just call me girly?" Before Scout can answer, Engineer came walked in the middle of them, "Alright, alright, break it up you two." He brought scout aside. "Look son, this girl has been out of her home for a while, the least you can do is give her some grub." "Are you kiddin' me?" Scout argued, "Who's side are you on hard hat? This chick might be related to that Australian outcast but there is no way I, or the whole crew will give her food,maybe even respect, no matter how lo-" Jewel interrupted Scout's speech.

"You know what, forget it, I'll just do what this American jockie said, I just won't eat." She walked towards Engiee's side, holding her arm of rage and embarrassment. "Let's just go to your table." Everything calmed down after that, Scout went to his table and the Engineer lead Jewel to his usual spot. There, the two sat in front of two peculiar partners in battle that had a strong advantage in teamwork. "Hold shtill Heavy, othervise I von't be able to getz zis ova vit." One said. The man got pliers and dug his way into the other man's right arm. The patient yelled for a minute then stopped when the doctor figure got what looked like a large bullet out, filled with blood and skin tissue. "Zere, anoza operational success." The man said when taking off gloves. Jewel watched this operation-like performance go on and didn't even blink. She didn't know whether to feel sick or amused. Soon the doctor-like man in frount of her and Engineer notice Jewel. "Oh hello zere." The doctor figure said in a happy tone to the niece. "Who is zis Engie?" the man asked. "Her name is Jewel, said to be the little niece of out Sniper." Jewel chuckled out of awkardness she felt around the doctor like man. "Hehheheheh yep, that's me."

"Vell it's nice to meet you froiline, zey call me zeh Medic." Jewel saw that coming, but for a medic, he didn't seem to be a good doctor in her eyes. The medic motioned a hand to his patient, "and zis hera is my good friend, Heavy." The large patient moved closer to Jewel until they were face to face, he soon sat back at his seat, "I see no similarity with Sniper. You sure you niece?" Heavy's voice gave Jewel chills, she didn't know if it was from his appearance, or because he sounded Russian. "Yes, I am pretty sure I'm his niece, I mean, my father is his brother so..." She stopped there to chuckle again. In her appearance, she seemed uncomfortable, which in fact she was, in her mind, the mention of her uncle made her worry for him. She hasn't seen him in hours, and how she hoped Sniper would come soon, or better, if he'd come now.

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