The Boy Across The Table.

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*Beep Beep, Beep Beep*

I throw my hand over and turn the alarm off. Ugh, great my first day at my new school. I just moved to England from Australia with my mum a month ago . I have no friends and now its my first day. I roll over onto my side and I'm blinded by the bright sunshine coming in from my window. After my eyes adjust I look at my alarm. 6:00am , great why do I have to get up so early. I sit up with my back leaning against the head board. After sitting like this for a few minutes I slowly get out of bed.

I grab my towel and run straight to the bathroom. I turn the shower dial on to hot and wait for it to heat up. I take off my clothes and put my hand under the running water. Yes, perfect temp. I jump in and let the hot water run over my body. I quickly wash my hair and shave my legs. I jump out and wrap my towel around my body and make a run for my bedroom.

I open my wardrobe and I look through all my clothes. I have to make a good impression on the students. I decide to wear my favorite aqua blue dress. It has thin straps and finishes mid thigh. It shows off my body and my curves really well. It makes my tanned skin stand out too! I walk over to my desk and mirror and grab my make up bag. I pull out my bb cream and apply it onto my face. I then put on my mascara quickly but carefully. I comb my wavy dirty blonde hair and pin my side fringe back. I glance over to my clock and its now 7:00am.

As I walk down the stairs a yummy smell overwhelms my nose. I peer into the kitchen and see my mum standing over the cooktop. I go up behind her and give her a big hug and she jumps a little before realizing who it was. "Good morning mum, btw its smell delicious in here!" She turns around and looks me up and down then gives me a giant smile. "Aw Cate, you look gorgeous today! Im proud of you sweet heart!" She goes on her tip toes and kisses my forehead. I grab a plate and pile it up with the pancakes she has made and sit down at the dining table.

After stuffing my face with the food mum made me, I place my plate into the dishwasher and head up stairs. I look at my iPhone and realize its 7:30am. Omg I have to leave now or I'm going to be late! I run to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I sprint back to my bedroom and grab my pink lipgloss and my black leather high converse. I quickly shove on the shoes and apply my lipgloss. I grab my keys and have a last minute check in the mirror. Im so glad that my natural hair is nice and wavy because its saves so much time. My dirty blonde hair reaches to the middle if my chest. I adjust my dress then grab my bag and run down stairs. I say good bye to my mum then run out the door.

I parked my car in the closest parking spot to the school entrance. I hoped out and made my way to the front gates. I could already see the groups within the school. The jocks and cheerleaders, the geeks, the emos, the hippies and then there were the others who just were normal.

Something caught my attention that I saw out of corner of my eye. There were 5 guys leaning against the school gates. They were all dressed the same but with slight differences. They all had black skinny jeans on but they had different coloured shirts on. I glanced at them really quick taking in their appearances and decided that they were the schools bad boys. I kept walking and made my way to the main office.

As I walked into the office the bell rang. Great, I'm going to be late on my first day at school. I introduced my self to the lady at a desk. She seemed pretty sweet and then I collected my timetable. I looked down and saw I had science first. I wasn't to good at science so I really hope I get better this year. I was in class B20, where ever that is.

Once I found the class I was taken back by the scene inside. The teacher was asleep in his chair at his desk. What?! Haha, anyway as I walked in nobody seemed to notice because they were all laughing and talking to each other. I decided to sit at the table where nobody was because being the shy person I am I didn't want to interrupt anyone's convocations. I placed bag underneath the table and grabbed my books and started to study.

The room suddenly went quiet but I didn't mind, it made studying much easier. When I was just about to turn the page in my book I felt the table and the chairs around me shake. I looked up slowly and was startled when I saw not one person but five guys sitting around me, staring at me with their eyes. They were the group of guys i saw out against the school gates. As I looked around the class I noticed that everyone was staring at me with their jaws dropped forming a 'o' shape. I felt my checks go bright red. I returned my eyes to the boys around me and I gotta say these boys were beautiful....actually scratch that they were sex gods. Me and the one sitting next to me locked eye contact and he said "hello love" with the most sexiest smirk on his face. I immediately started to blush and the four other guys started to chuckle. GREAT GOING CATE!




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