I think i like her, A LOT

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~Nothing else matters right now. It was just me and Harry in this wonderful place, kissing. After what felt like hours we brake away gasping for air. He smiles down at me and I hope he feels the same way about me as I do about him.~

Harry's P.O.V

I knew Cate would love it here. I'm so glad she came with me. I don't know what it is about her but I feel the need to be with her every day. I have taken all week off school so I could plan this date. I planned it so there were no flaws. I need this date to be perfect.

I get out of the car and run around to her side of the car and open the door. I extend my hand to help her out of the car and she takes my hand and gets out. I lead her over to the middle of the field and I sit down. I pat the spot next to me and she sits down. She is truly the most beautiful girl I have ever met. I close my eyes and drop me head back. I try and soak up all the sunlight. Its just perfect. I feel her eyes on my and I peak my eyes open and catch her checking me out. Haha shes so cute!

"Enjoying the view?" I say knowing tht it will make her blush!

"Ermmm umm its a very nice place here Harry." Awww shes blushing, how adorable! I laugh a little knowing that my dimples are showing on my checks. I've got an idea!

"Hey....uh Cate? Close your eyes!" I tell her hoping she does it.

"Ummmm no?!" She says a little shocked

"Why? don't you trust me?" I say jokingly

"No, not really?!"

After her saying that I quickly cover her eyes with my hand and I know I catch her by surprise! I slowly lay her down onto the grass and tell her to keep her eyes closed. She follows my instruction and I take my hand off her face.

I quickly run off towards the river while taking my top off. I slow down and dip under that water. I yell out to her that she can open her eyes now. She gets up and I know shes wondering where I am. She looks over to where I am hiding and I quickly duck my head down, hoping she didn't see me. She obviously doesn't because she starts to wonder off in the opposite direction. I quickly get out of the river and run up behind her.

I snake my hand around her waist and she jumps a little. I pull her into my body and look down to her. I swear she will be the death of me. Her hair falls to her mid chest and its natural curls suit her so much. Her eyes the most deepest brown colour I have ever seen before. Every time I look into them I get lost. Her lips look so soft and they are the nicest shade of pink. Her eyes look my chest up and down and I cant help but smile at her checking out my tattoos.

Her eyes meet mine and I get lost in hers eyes again. Ugh, I want to kiss her so bad right now. I bite my lip trying to control my self.

Don't kiss her. Don't kiss her. Don't ki-

Out of no where her lips crashed onto mine. She made the first move Not me! I realize that I'm not kissing back so I really start to kiss her. Our lips fit perfectly together. I slide my tongue along her bottom lip asking for entrance and she opens her mouth letting my tongue invade her mouth. We kissed for what seemed like forever and I swear I heard fireworks going off. I have never felt this way about another human being. Yea I have kissed a lot of other girls but nome of them compare to this kiss between me and Cate.

My lungs start to burn and I have to pull away even though I don't want to. I pull away and we both are gasping for air. I know that things are going to be different from now on. Oh no, what am I going to tell the boys? What is Zayn going to say? I know all the boys like her, a lot actually and we promised each other we would let her decide but I had to take her here. Actually now that I think about it, I don't care what the boys think. Right now, its just me and Cate, nothing else matters. I think I like - scratch that I know I like her, I like her A LOT.


Hey guys I finally worked out how to make my words bold and on a slant! Hope you liked this chapter and I hoped you liked it in Harry's point of view! I really like writing this story! Sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been very busy and I haven't had a lot of time to write but here you go! Love you and don't forget to vote and comment! - Cate

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