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3 R D  P O V

For the ones who have already read this chapter, it was originally titled picture but i changed all of the chapter names to numbers, please re-read it, I have changed it completely and if you liked the chapter- IM SORRY I KNOW IM HORRIBLE BUT I JUST WANT TO WRITE MY OWN SHIT AND MAKE IT THE WAY I WANT MY FANFIC TO BE OKAY? okay? thanks, I love that you understand! <3

As Sarah and Peter walked to school they did their daily ritual of stoping at a local coffee shop that was minutes away from school. "The usual?" Peter ask his blond friend as he opens the door for her. "Yes, please." She replies before sitting next to a large window, it was a beautiful day.

The sun was blearing between the clouds but it wasn't hot, it was perfect. Sarah got distracted in her thoughts as Peter had already set down her Iced coffee in front of her. "Hey, are you okay?" Peter ask as he sits down in front of her. "Yeah, I just have a few things running my mind." She takes the ice cold drink into her hands and sips from the thin black straw. "Thanks." She simply says, he nods. "So how'd you learn those nifty tricks again?" Peter asks taking a sip of his iced tea lemonade. "Can we not talk about it." The blonde said bluntly. "No, I told you my secret. Now you tell me yours."

"No, peter. It's better if you don't" Peter takes Sarah's coffee and looks at her. "Tell me or I'll never talk to you again and I will never buy you iced coffee ever again." The girl sighs knowing that Peter would hold a grudge. "There's no way how to explain it correctly. You'll just have to trust me. I want you to come over today so I can show you instead of just wording it out to you." Peter glares at Sarah and takes a sip of her coffee. "Hey! Unfair." The blond says taking the drink away from him. "That's bitter." He replies taking a quick sip of his iced tea "You've always had a sweeter taste than I have." Sarah swirls her drink and looks down at it. "Come on, we'll be late to school if we don't leave now." Peter says and the girl nods, grabbing hey bag.

As the both rush to school, Sarah has yet no finished her coffee. "Jesus, Sarah. This is why you guys are always so close to being late." Ned says when he grabs her coffee and the bell rings. "Oh come on, we're never late." She says cheerfully, grabbing her coffee back and running up the stairs and getting to class before Peter. She walks in seconds before the bell rings and Peter follows behind her. "Ah, if it isn't the dynamic duo. Sit, we're watching the history of Japan today in your favorite history class." Their teacher says too the teens. "This is my only history class, Mr. T." Sarah says sipping her coffee and sitting down on the chair.

Even tho Peter and Sarah where best friends, teachers knew to sit them together. They always did excellent work together so why ruin their grade?They were a tag team and people who didn't even know their names knew it.

As the movie played, Sarah took out her black journal and started drawing. She had started a drawing of a new and improved suit, imagining what he would look like in it. The details where well put and she got lost in her drawing.

As peter glanced at her drawing he smiled. Peter has gotten closer to Sarah more than before. He chuckles quietly as he remembers the thought of Sarah almost 'killing her self' to figure out if he was the Spider-Man or not.

"Sarah! Come on, your being ridiculous!" The blond girl was at the edge of a tall abandoned brick building. "I'm not being ridiculous! If you just admitted it this would have never happened!" The wind was strong and leaves flew everywhere. "What if I'm not even the thing that you think I am?!" She chuckles. "Then lets find out." She looked down at the bottom and it was dark, Sarah turned towards Peter and she let herself fall. Peter ran towards the edge and leaned over quickly catching her with his web. "You're insane! What if you where wrong?! You would have killed yourself, Sarah!" She looks up at Peter and chuckles. "Are you crazy?!" He yells at her once more. "It's okay." Sarah replies calmly She grabs her pocket knife and start cutting the web. "Sarah!" Peter yells as the last strand of web was cut and she fell. He tried catching her once more and he just looked down into the abandoned building. He was breathless and  in shock. He gripped the corners of the building, furious with himself. He was about to punch the brick wall but a soft hand held his fist and he glanced at the person behind him.

"You think I would actually end up killing myself because of this?" She chuckled and smiled widely. "I told you that it was okay." Sarah continued. Peter just held her into a hug and didn't say anything. She smiled sadly knowing that she scared him. Her fingers ran threw his brown hair and the only thing you could head was the leafs running on the floor.

Sarah planed beforehand just incase if her assumptions where wrong. She picked this particular building because Natasha had kicked her off this building before but there was a net at the bottom waiting for her to fall. Steve was in rage when he figured out what Natasha did but Sarah had to explain that, falling was her worst fear and Natasha helped her concur it.

"What you thinking about spidey." Sarah says laying her head on his shoulder. "Nothing." Peter replies as he pats her head twice. She sits up and continues her drawing. It was Friday and everyones eyes where on the movie but Sarah's. She had already watched this on Netflix because always liked things that came from Japan, they where cute and she loved it. History was always her favorite subject, not many people would think that since she didn't pay attention but yet knew the answer to almost everything, thanks to Bruce.

Class ends and they hang out with Ned when they could. When school ended her phone rang. The name, Old Man Rogers, was titled on her phone and she answered. "Yes sir, how may I help you with today? Are you having problems with your phone or something?"

"I'm at you apartment where are you?"

"School just ended, I'm heading ther- wait you're in Queens?"

"Yeah, I'll rather be in Brooklyn but you know, I made a pitstop."

"Rude, you know I like Queens better than I liked Brooklyn."

"Now that's offensive. Just get home safe."

"Peter's coming over. He kinda figured out."

"........figured out what exactly"

"Well only that I'm well trained he doesn't know anything else." Peter put his hand on her shoulder and smiled at her as she turned his way. "Well, I'll explain when I get home. Love you old man, bye!" Sarah nervously hung up and grinned at Peter. "Shall we?" She asked. "We shall." He answered with a smile.

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