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-Next Day At School-

"Peter, really I'm fine." Sarah says as we walk threw the school parking lot "You don't look fine to me." There where bags under her eyes and she had a bruise on her temple, she mutters a few words that don't come out correctly. "See, that isn't fine." I exclaim. "Peter, please just don't worry about me, I'm fine. Theres just been a few things that have happened in the past few days and I'm tired. So, If I don't seem like myself it's because of that." She sighs and walks before me. I catch up to her and put my hand on her shoulder. "You're keeping something from me aren't you?" Sarah shoves my hand off and scoffs. "Do you not trust me anymore? I told you what I was kidding. Conversation over, Peter." The bell ran and Sarah walked up the stairs. I grunt and walk to my class.

There was a test today in Math, I forgot to tell Sarah but I didn't think she would want me to talk to her now. It took me half of the class to finish up the test and I handed it to my teacher. As I sat down she started grading it and put it on the graded file. I sighed and put my head down. From the corner of my eye I saw Sarah get up from her chair and hand in her test with a smile. She sat next to a guy named Lip, his full name was Phillip. He had a thing for her and always played with her hair, they where good friends and Sarah would always tell me it ended at that but it always seemed different.

But why should I care? It's not like we're dating or something. Sure, I may have a small crush on her but I won't ruin our friendship because of that. Lip looked back at me and he smirked. What's his deal? He put his hand on her knee and made circles with his index fingers. I felt my heart drop. Okay maybe I had a huge crush on her, but that doesn't matter. Sarah just looked at him and she shook her head, pushing of his hand. I felt relief. I turned my head to look at Ned who was sitting next to me. "What?" I whisper, he shakes his head. "Why don't you tell her? You know, before Lip ruins everything." Peter shakes his head. "No, if she likes Lip than I'm not gonna stop her from being happy. Anyways, she's been somewhat distant. I don't think she liked me anymore."

"Did she tell you that?" Ned whispers back. "No, it's just-"

"No, Peter. Your the closest friend Sarah has. She would't just stop liking you just because, she would need a reason to start hating you." Ned was right. Maybe she just needed space.

-After School-

"Hey Sarah!" I yelled catching up to the blonde at her locker. "Oh hey, I was just gonna go get you."She replies with a smile. "Really? I thought you where mad at me." I ask as I lean on the locker next to hers. "No, I never said that. Come on let's go."

"Sarah!" Someone yelled behind me. I could recognize that voice anywhere. "Lip, hey." She replies closing her locker. "Ah wait, you forgot this in math." He hands her the black journal she always carries and my eyes widened. "I guess you like that spider thing huh?" He ask. Sarah rose a brow. "You looked in my journal?" She asked locking her locker. "I didn't mean to, I may have gotten curious and looked inside. You're a great artist." He says, I roll my eyes. "Oh, I was wondering if you wanted to do something this weekend?"

"Can't." She replied quickly. "How, how come?" Sarah smiles. "None of your business, Phillip." She starts to walk and I follow behind her. "You really gonna reject him like that?" I asked. "I don't want to be alone with him. He's a player and sleeps with anybody he can get his hands on. I'll rather hand out with you, watch movies and eat pizza." I nod. "Yeah, that sounds good." I lift my arm and put it around her shoulder.


"Do you want to walk all the way home or do you wanna take the subway?" Peter asks. "Train, you couldn't find really cool things there you know." She chuckles as the boy in front of her. "You making fun of my dumpster diving?" He asks? walking towards the gates. "Yes, I am actually."

"Sorry I don't have a super hero dad. In fact I have no dad at all so...."

"Peter, you make things depressing." She catches up to him and hugs him from behind. "I didn't mean to, you know I make bad jokes about that." She sighs and lays her forehead on his back as people walk around them. "I still don't get why you do that." They walk up to the subway station and sit together.

"Peggy died." Sarah says with eyes closed and her head tilted on Peter's shoulder. "What?" He asked in surprise. He shifted around so Sarah's head way laying on his chest. Peter may have been slightly uncomfortable but he knew Sarah fine. "That's why I was gone. We went to London for her funeral." Peter stroked her brand hair and she sighed. "I'm sorry, Sarah. I knew how important she was to you." Sarah smiles sadly and fiddles with her fingers. "She was more important to Steve. I'm worried about him, the first woman that he ever loved, is gone. Can you imagine? The first person you loved, the one you imagined a future with, is gone." She opened her eyes and she tilted her head back to barely look at Peter. "No, I wouldn't want to imagine. I don't think I would be able to live with myself If I knew you died." He whispered to himself. "What?" Sarah asked curiously, she really didn't hear what he said at the end. "If who died?" She continued. "Oh, uh, Aunt May. I wouldn't want to see her leave my side. She's the only family I have now."

The subway was now at a halt and Sarah stood up. "I may not be family, but you'll always have me, Peter." She now held his hand and they walked before the doors closed. "I'll walk you home." Sarah shook her head. "No, no, you don't have to."

"You sure?" Peter asked. Sarah nodded. "I'm one-hundred percent sure."

As the teens walked their separate ways, Peter noticed a car parked in front of his apartment complex. "Wow, what's a car like this doing here?" He asked himself as he walked up the straits.

Arriving to his hallway, Peter took out his keys and shifted his red backpack over his left shoulder and unlocked the door.

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