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Back at headquarters, Sarah was now talking to Tony in his little office. Well not little.
"It can't happen again." Tony said to the girl. "It was and accident."She replied "She hurt people."Tony kicked back. "She saved us." Sarah gripped the leather chair "She killed people." He spits back. "She's INNOCENT ! All she did was save us Tony! If it weren't for her, Sam, Natasha, Steve and I would be ashes! She took matter into her own hands and-"

"And killed innocent family members." Sarah just looked a the man before her. "This is what we did! As the Avengers! You saved millions and millions of people but not everyone was able to survive! You've killed innocent people without even noticing! We've all killed people, Tony! We've all done it here!" The girl yells. Tony was surprised that such a loud voice can come from a small body. "I'm guessing you won't be joining my side anytime soon." He says as he organizes papers. "Can you stop it with the sides?! We do not have any sides here!"

"There is the good and the bad, greater or good. There will always be sides, little Sarah." Tony says as he walks away from his office into the conference room where everyone was sitting. "What was all that yelling about." Steve asked his daughter as she sat next to him "Nothing, nothing at all." The girl said with a light smile. "We'll talk about this later." Steve says. The girl nods and looks toward the font of the table but spacing out since she's not as interested in things that she already knows about. One of the girl of a search team puts her hand on Sarahs shoulders and leaned in towards her head "Ms.Rogers your phone has been ringing for the past ten minutes. It seems to be urgent." She said. "Excuse me." The young teen says to her team. "Thank you for stalling Marina." The young girl points out. The woman nods as they walk into on of the rooms.

"Hey Peter." Sarah says with a long sigh. "Sarah! Finally, I've been trying to reach for ten minutes!" The blonde girl chuckled. "Peter, everything is okay. I promise. I'll be back in Queens soon."

"You sure you're okay? Even Ned is worried about you." Sarah smiles. She loved the fact that they missed her and worried about her. She overheard a train passing by and she rose a brow. "Peter?"

"Yes?" He question. "You're doing Spidey business aren't you?" She says bitting her nails. "Psh, ha no? Why?" Sarah rolled her eyes. "Peter, I can hear the train. You're not even close to being with aunt May." The boy chuckled. There was a pause, the short girl was able to hear the wind blow on the other side. The leaves rustling around. "Alright, alright. You caught me. I'll web you later?" He says, Sarah hurts out a laugh. "That, you will never say that ever again, okay."

"Wait, whats wrong with that?" Peter asked. "Just never say it again. Be safe, Peter. I need you alive." He nods to himself. "Yes ma'm." Sarah hangs up the phone and goes back to the conference room. Noticing that Cap's chair was empty. "Where's Steve?" Natasha till her head to the stairs. "He said it was urgent." The blonde girl nodded. She walked down the stairs and Steve was leaving against the handle bar looking down. He threw his phone up to Sarah and she read the text.

She's gone. In her sleep

She went stiff. She knew that this just made things worse. She walked down the stairs and hugged Steve. His chin laid on the top of her head. "I'm really sorry."



Sarah now stood outside of the chapel, waiting for everyone to come out. She never liked funerals. She didn't like the thought of everyone wearing black to morn someone, but she did it anyways. He hands tangled at the edge of a silky dress and rubbed the fabric. Getting lost in thought, she had noticed that people where now walking out. Dry tears formed on they cheeks and their noses, a slight shade of pink. She walked in and passed several people, but only recognized one. Sharon, the blonde woman who lived next door to us when we first figured out that Bucky was alive. Sarah kept walking to the from and looked at Steve sitting now in the front row. "How you doing old man?" She sighs and sits behind him. "You want the honest truth or do you want me to lie." Sarah smiled sadly. "Lie to me." She responded. "Well Sarah, I'm doing fantastic. Better than ever." She frowned and hugged Steve from behind. "Tony will be taking me back to Queens. I've lost a few days of school and should be headed back." She kissed his cheek and smiled. "Don't hesitate to call, Dad." She says


"So, you still on capsicles side?" Sarah sighs as they walk to the Jet. "Tony, he's like a father to me." The man rolls his eyes. "I'm your best friend. Now get in the jet, go back to school and think about it."

"There's nothing to think about." The girl said before getting into the jet and closing the door.


As the get landed in Brooklyn, Sarah walked to Steve's building and unlocked the door with the hidden spear key. She walked in and grabbed all the files she could get on Bucky and then took a train to Queens. She went to her apartment, grabbed her laptop and then ran back to the local coffee shop. Sarah sat down on the table she was on last week with Peter and opened her laptop. She had modified it so she was able to find someone of something. What she was looking for, was Bucky's metal arm. It had a code chip that was able to track and she had found it in a matter of hours.

Peter's POV:

As I was minding my own business hanging around Queens, literally. When I saw a blonde girl sitting down at our local coffee shop, she was the only one there. "Sarah?" I asked before jumping off the building and walking to the coffee shop. I walked in and she didn't raise her head, her eyes where locked on the computer and she smiled. "I thought I saw you up in that building."

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