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Hi sorry for the late update

Jungkook's POV

I sigh and look outside. I'm worried about Gail, she didnt come to school today which is I expected, I mean after what happened who wanted to go to school?!?! But still I'm still suspicious about Tzuyu.... She said that Gail looks like a kitten and the note from yesterday called her a kitten!!!

Jungkook come on lets eat lunch? Taehyung asked me.

Um no thanks Tae-hyung I told him.

Come on He said. I just back away.

I-I have some stuffs to do so sorry I said as I quickly left him. These days Taehyung always made me uncomfortable.

I quickly went to the nearest cafe here in school. I'll just eat lunch in there. As I entered, I smile its so relaxing in here. I look around to look for a seat, but my eyes were fixed on a couple that are kind of far away from me....

N-No way I whispered as I saw Jimin hyung w-with Tzuyu?!?! All lovey and dovey. I felt a tear fell from my eyes.

I quickly left the cafe and run, run far away. Away from the pain. I stop at a certain playground... The playground were me and Jimin hyung always play when we were little. I hid under the slide and hug my knees. Why?! I should've seen this coming, but it hurts so much.

I-I guess I'll just give up on him I said as I wiped my tears.

Don't do it hyung Someone said and I nearly jump and I saw a little boy looking at me. I quickly went near the little boy.

It hurts, so thats why I told him.

Eh? But still giving up on someone you love is more painful The little boy said.

I-I guess but still his already happy with someone else I said.

Are you sure about that? You never know maybe his not He said.

You know your right thanks little boy ^^ I said as I pat his head.

No problem hyung ^^ just do your best! Just like what my bestfriend said He said.

Bestfriend? I asked him.

Yeah my bestfriend in the whole wide world ** He said as his eyes shine. I smile as I remember the times when me and hyung were still little.

Gukkie!!! Where are you? Someone said behind me.

Chiminie!! I'm here ^~^ The little boy said as he run to another little boy who is older than him.

Gukkie!!! The other boy said as he hug Gukkie? So adorable.

I hope when they get older, they won't make the same mistake I made. I sigh and left. I need to go to school, but I'm skipping school for today. I need to find a way to make Jimin hyung remember me.

As I pass a flower shop, I saw a yellow tulip... One sided love.... Well I guess I need to learn the language of flowers. I went to a store and bought some stationaries. I'll need this stuffs for something.

I hope Jimin hyung will remember me I said as I went home.

But as I walk I saw someone very familiar..... Jimin hyung? Then my eyes widened.

Jimin's POV

After our lunch break me and my girlfriend Tzuyu went back to school. As we entered, I saw a girl holding a yellow tulip?

"Yellow Tulip means One-sided love" I said.

"Really hyung?! Wow you really know the language of flowers?! How did you do it?" He said.

"The flowers told me" I told him.

"Hyung stop joking, I bet you just researched it on the internet" He said and I just laugh.

"Okay fine you got me Jung--"

Ugh my head hurts, as I remember a memory of me and a boy... but his face is blurred.

Are you okay oppa? Tzuyu asked.

Y-Yeah my head j-just hurts, I guess I'll go home I told her.
Oh do you want me to take you to the hospital? She asked.

No need Tzu I'll go well I'll just text you later I said and we bid our goodbyes.

As I walk, my head started to hurt. E-Everything was turning all blurry. W-What is happening? Ugh it hurts. Then next thing you know everything went black. The last thing I heard is.....

Jimin hyung!!!! A voice of an angel screamed as I fell unconscious.

Hi sorry for the late update and for the short update. I've been busy these days so I'm really sorry and I guess next next chapter it will be notes again ^^... But yeah I hope you all enjoy it **

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