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Okay first off, I know its not the Q/A answers and I'm sorry something came up ㅠㅠ I will probably do it next week I'm sorry I'll explain more at the end of this chapter.

Jimin's POV

I'm yours

I giggled as I read the note again. This note is too cheesy. I stood up from the bench and put the note on my bag. I started walking and I saw Gail on the garden area.

Hey Gail! I said and she look at me and smile.

Hey Jimin oppa She said as soon as I got next to her.

What you doing here? I asked as I sat next to her.

Trying to memorize a poem She said.

For Literature class? I asked as she nod.

Do you want to hear it? She asked.

Sure I said.

Okay so here it goes...
"You and I against a rule, set for us by time.

A marker drawn to show our end, etched into its line.

The briefest moment shared with you-- the longest on my mind." She said and I clapped.

Wow that poem is really deep I said.

Yeah She said.

What's the title of it? And did you made it? I asked.

The title is A Timeline and I didn't made it, one of my favorite poet made it She said.

Oh who? I asked.

Lang Leav She said as I stop.

D-Did you say Lang Leav?! I asked remembering one of the notes I got from my secret admirer.

Yeah~ She's really good and I have one of her books! See She said as she handed me a red book. In the cover was a girl and it said "Love & Misadventure"

Did you always carry this? I asked her.

Nope~ But Jungkookie borrowed it the other day and I just got it back from him why? She asked.

N-Nothing anyways um I remember a poem by her, but I don't know if it's in this book I said to her.

Well then recite the poem to me and let's see if it's in this book She said. I started to think about the poem.

Hmm okay just give me a minute I said as she just said ok.

"The time may not be prime for us, though you are a special person.

We may be just two different clocks, that do not tock, in unison." I said remembering it.

Hmm I think I heard that one before!! Let me see the book She said as I gave her the book.

I remember hearing that from someone She said as she browse into the pages. Then she stop.

Oh yeah! It's on page um there! Page 133! Jungkookie keep saying that I dunno why though She said as my eyes widened as I read the poem from the book.

Wait you said... Jungkook keep saying this? I asked as she nod.

Yep~ For no apparent reason I think and oh! Look at the time I need to go Jimin oppa I still need to go to Drama Club~ You can keep the book if you want just bring it back She said.

Oh sure thanks Gail I said.

No problem~ Also I saw your girlfriend flirting with one of the sunbaenim's in the Drama Club anyways annyeong! She said as she quickly left.

Oh okay see you... WAIT WHAT?!! I said as I realized what Gail said, but she already left.

T-That's a lie right? Ugh I dunno. I just shrug as I look at the book. Jungkook.. Who really are you in my life?

Hey 😅

So here's my explanation~

I was about to do it like Friday or Saturday, then my Auntie's sister in law (and her family) decided to stay with us until tomorrow. So now they are staying here in my dad's room (cause its big) and the fact that the computer is there... I can't type it because they will see it and it will be awkward. I mean its awkward if your family found out that your writing boyxboy stories.

Even though my mom know, and she even try to read some of my works, but I didn't tell her my username in wattpad so I'm good 😅. So yeah thats what happened. I can't type it tomorrow because my dad will be here, so I'm truly sorry.

Also I'm typing this on my phone and I can do the Q/A right now, but I can't copy paste it so its too much work 😭😫 sorry again.

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