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Hi *-*

Jimin's POV

The time may not be prime for us, though you are a special person.

We may be just two different clocks, that do not tock, in unison.

-Lang Leav

I look at my note. Wait no-- Its a poem by Lang Leav. I sigh. The poem is basically saying that I'm someone dear to him, but we may not be meant for each other. Well that's what I think of.

Yo~ You look so dead Someone said and I saw (y/n).

Its nothing just tired I said as I sheepishly smile.

Uh-huh anyways have you heard next week they will finally start!!! (Y/n) said happily.

Start what? I asked in confusion.

The Cherry Blossom Festival~ (y/n) said.

Wow really?! They have it in here?? I asked excitedly as she nod.

Yep~ Every year, whaa I can't wait ** Ops I gotta go now see you Jiminie~ (y/n) as she started walking.

See you! I said as I wave at her. When she finally left, I stood up from the bench I was sitting and started walking.

Oppa~ Wait for me!! Someone said behind me. I look and saw Tzuyu coming to me.

Hey Tzu I said as she clings to my arm.

Oppa don't leave me out here alone She said as she pouts and I just laugh.

Don't worry I won't come on I'll take you home I said as she smiles.

As we walk, Tzuyu was just talking about some stuffs. I was just looking in front of me. I wonder if me and Jungkook still can talk. I mean were still awkward about the kiss. Aish this is so hatred. I sigh.

Are you okay oppa? Tzuyu asked.

Oh yeah I am I said as I smile for her.

Good then~ anyways so what I was saying was.... blah.. blah... Tzuyu said as she continued talking. I look at her face, then my eyes traveled to her necklace that I gave her....

Tzuyu.. I said and she look at me.

Hmm? She asked.

Is that a hickey? I asked as I pointed at her neck. Her eyes widened as she look away.

N-No!!! Oppa h-how could you accuse m-me something a-about that! I-Its just a b-bruise I-I got w-when someone a-accidentaly hit me She said as she stutter through some words.

Okay I just said plainly. I don't really care about it. Like I don't know why. We just continue walking forgetting the stuff that happened.


( ̄∀ ̄)

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