J- Chapter 1

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"Happy birthday to you..
Happy birthday to you..
Happy birthday, happy birthday ..
Happy birthday to you.."

I woke up with the sound of my cellphone singing happy birthday. Oh! Its my birthday today. Weird right, my cp singing happy birthday. I did that to remind me of today.

Its not that I'm very happy its my birthday, its just I thought I should remember its the day of my birth. Anyway I'm 18 now...yeah, I know. Its my debut, but hey, i don't care..its still an ordinary day to me..I mean what would I get if I celebrate? They're not here with me. I'm all alone, what's the use of celebrating. Greeting my self should be enough. And that's all I can give.

I checked my phone. Its already 6:35. I have school today so I should get ready. After fixing my bed, I entered the bathroom and took a bath, then put my uniform on. I'm really not the type to stay in front of the mirror fixing my self up. I just look at my face, check if its acceptable then go downstairs... For my breakfast, well, I'll just eat anything available.
For today, oatmeal!! Easy to cook and yummy!!
Yeah! That's precisely my daily routine And I've been doing that for about 4 years already.

After eating I took off..grabbing my bike parked outside and hurriedly go to school... I really don't want to be alone in that house. I feel miserable, I feel lonely. That house bring back lots of memory, memory that is happy at the same time gives me pain. So its better to be in school than to be in that house..

Ahhhh!! The air is so nice..its refreshing!! I love biking, it clears my mind, it gets me refreshed. That's why instead of riding a taxi, i use my bike instead to go to school. Its a hobby and also at the same time an exercise.

Just a few minutes more and I'll be arriving at my school. I can already see the gate, i can also see students entering! It has a very high gate and it shows the name of the school. St. Guadalupe University. Yeah, I go to this school. Its a private institution that accepts every student as long as they can pay their high tuition.

I'm already inside the school when I saw my friends walking. I parked my bike near at the guardhouse asking manong guard to check it once in a while...after that I ran to my friends. They were chatting with themselves when I keep up with them. And obviously its about those kpop idols again. I'm not against it ,its just that they are over reacting sometimes. They're talking about those idols like they're the most hottest boys in the world. Well yes, they're handsome alright but then they don't even know you, why bother getting to know them.? Anyway, I figured I should let them know I'm in their back just to get some attention..


"Aahh. O my gosh. What the hell Ariana!!" screamed Jenna.


"You scared me.!!"...jenna

"No I didn't"...me

"Yes, you just did."...jenna

I actually didn't scare you. You're just to engrossed in talking about your idols.

"Hi Ariana."...greeted Angel

"Hi, how are you guys!?"...me

" Oh we're fine. We're just so excited about Exo's concert here in the Philippines. I already bought tickets. VIP. Great right?."said Kara, then suddenly squeals.

ooooh!!my eardrums hurts!

"Yeah" i said awkwardly.

"Yeah its on January 22 right?. A day before our exams." I said informing them of the upcoming exam.

"O gosh, you're right. Omo!! Eottokke?" Whined jenna

Wait! What did she say?.. otoke? What's that?.

"What's otoke?" I asked confused.

"Nevermind. Lets go inside. We're going to be late! Jenna, lets worry about that later, okey? We can find a way!" Encouraged Angel. She's always like that. Always encouraging everyone. That's what I like about her. While Jenna on the other hand, is the perfect opposite. She only worries about herself and her Idols. Kara is someone who I can't figure out. Sometimes she's caring, sometimes acting cold, but most of the time she's just like Jenna. Laughing and giggling whenever they see their idol's faces. She's the unpredictable one among us four. We have different personalities so sometimes I ask myself why we are to together.

Anyway, we are walking in the schools lobby and I noticed that every one is looking at us, i mean at my three friends. Well, I can't blame them, my friends are really head turners. They are gorgeous. I think their fashion is the same as those korean girls I see in their phone. They're like dolls with their milky white skin and fashionable clothes. That's also one of the things I'm jealous about. Except for the milky white skin cause I already have that. Its just I'm not really like them. I mean I want to be like them but I don't know how. So I'm the one who's always left out by others in the group with my casual jeans, blouse, and sneakers. Go figure!

After walking in the crowd for I feel like an eternity we finally arrived in our room. The teacher's still not here. So we started chatting, i mean they, cause they're back to talking about the concert, I just listened.

After a while the teacher came so everyone settled down. And that is the start of the another boring day inside the classroom. When I looked around, I saw the student's boring faces. When I looked at my friends they have earphones in their ears. Oh crap! These guys really.! They're hiding it behind their hair. I secretly laugh because the stupid teacher doesn't even know anything. I feel bad about her but then I thought its just natural. So I tried to listen to her, but in the end I gave up. I started doodling in my paper.


Riiiing!!! Riiiiing!!

Finally. The class is finished for the day! I started arranging my stuff, the others did the same. Suddenly Angel grab my elbow.

"Hey! Lets hang out in my house"...angel

I looked at the two who is looking at me also. Waiting for my response. I nod my head at them.

"Yehet! Lets do a movie marathon!"

O crap!Here we go again.

Angel's house..

Yep! Just like I expected. In the table are some korean movies that they lay down so they can pick easily. I did not bother reading cause apparently I couldn't. So I just let them choose. I overheard the name of the movie. Its Miracle in Cell no. 7 I think. I don't care anymore. I just seated in the sofa with a popcorn in my hand munching it. They picked that movie cause they said its the movie that the Exo members watched in their variety show or something.

The movie is actually sad. I cried in the climax when the father is about to get killed. I am so so so thankful to the English sub in which without it, I'm sure I can't understand a thing.

After that movie we decided to go home. Cause its getting late. So I ride my bike and cycle in the street. Its already sunset so the street is quite beautiful. The color of the sunset is everywhere that it makes me feel peaceful. If only this moment can stay a little longer I would be grateful. But I have no choice but to go home where I would be alone again for a whole night!..

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