J-Chapter 2

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I just arrived at my house. Its already 6:45 pm and its already dark. So I figured I should get inside. I open the door and there it is again, the same feeling I get whenever I open the front door. The feeling of emptiness and loneliness. It all started 4 years ago, when both of my parents died. They were killed by those filthy robbers. We were already sleeping when I heard some noise in our living room so I checked it out. There they are stuffing things in a duffel bag, just grabbing anything they see that is worth it. There were 2 of them. The other guy spotted me and quickly run towards me. I got shocked so I let out a scream. That's were my parents woke up and protected me. Mom grabbed me while Dad started fighting the robbers. I was so scared and i was crying. Dad is losing the fight because of his two enemy so Mom left me in the corner to help Dad. Well Mom, because she's a woman, did not make any difference and I was stuck there crying. I feel so hopeless and useless but what can a 14 year old girl do to beat those tough guys. I can see mom and dad getting punch here and there. I thought, I can't take it anymore so I quickly ran to the table and grabbed the telephone handle and dial the guardhouse number cause I can't memorize the police number. The other guy saw me doing that and started to ran towards me again but Dad grabbed his leg and they fell on the floor. That's when I saw the two man pull off the gun hidden in their bellies and shot my parents right in front of my face. I screamed upon seeing that and I was very shocked that I fell on my knees. Just then I heard the police siren and the two of then panicked. So they quickly ran outside the house cursing about how they failed their job and forgetting there is still one witness left.

I walked slowly towards my parents not believing what just happen. They were still breathing when I got to them. Warm tears pouring down my face like a fountain while looking at their bloodied body. They were saying something but I can't hear them, my mind is busy enough processing the current situation. The police arrived but no ambulance so I was freaking worried. And then, in that moment, in my arms, their breath disappear.

That night was the worst night I ever experience. Everything was just so fast, I didn't get the time to catch up, before I knew it, its already their funeral. I didn't even cry that time not until I was all alone. I was back at this house locking myself up in my room because I can't afford to be in the living room where it all happened. Those were my darkest days, I didn't even eat for a few days nor go to school and even go outside. I was just stuck there crying myself out. Until one faithful night where I dreamed of my parents.

They were smiling at me. Telling me that its alright, that they are still here with me, guiding me. And then they told me that I should live.....for them. That I should not waste my life. After that I snapped back to reality. I started accepting what happened, I started going to school and live like normal people. I guess this is normal enough for me. But I know that I can never be happy again.

I decided to live alone since I don't have relatives nearby and its more comfortable for me. My parents left me this house and their money. My parents have a company that they run by themselves but now its being manage by their trusted employees because I'm still not capable of handling it. So apparently I could live without working my whole life.

Well, enough reminiscing sad stories today, it makes my heart ache as well as my head. I headed towards the kitchen to drink some water. And then I remember dinner. I was thinking what should I cook when my phone ring! It was Jenna.

Now what do you want??

I pressed the green button and answered it.


"What the hell Ariana?!"...jenna

"Hey, that was the second time you cursed at me. What's my fault this time?"...me

"You didn't tell us its your birthday?"...jenna


Great! They found out.

"We had to find out through facebook? Seriously, why'd you didn't tell us??."...jenna

"Cause its not a big deal. Its just my birthday?."...me

"Just your birthday??? Are you stupid? Birthdays are definitely the greatest happening in the world!"...jenna

"Now you call me stupid. I swear Jenna I'll really grab your hair when I see you. Stop cursing!"...me

Tsk! This girl really! Why did I become stupid by not telling them its my birthday?

"I even celebrated my Idol's birthday why would I not celebrate yours?.. Aish jinjja! You know what we're coming over!! Wait for us okey? Bye.!"...jenna

"Wait you don't ha...."

Toooot! Tooot!

Shocks the call ended... Great now they're coming....I walked to the living room and organize some things that are not in their proper place. After that I decide to cook my favorite. Chicken Adobo. I don't usually cook cause I'm alone in the house but now since their coming I should have something to offer them. i just finished cooking when the doorbell rang. I yelled to them to open the door. While I walk to my room to get change. I was wet with sweat so I told them to wait for me.

I took a quick shower and dress some comfortable clothes. When I got down I found them in my kitchen already preparing the food they brought. They brought pizza, fried chicken, cake, ice cream, and others inside the plastic bag.

Oh great!. Now I don't have a use for my rice and adobo...

Kara put the ice cream in the fridge and then I noticed some bottles.

"What is that?" ...i asked

"What is what?"...Kara said innocently.

"That." Pointing the covered bottles.

"Is that alcohol?"...me

"Uh yeah.!"...kara

"You're drinking?."...me

"Ofcourse, we're celebrating aren't we? "...kara

"Common sense, duh."...jenna

I turned to jenna.

"we can't drink, we have class tomorrow.".. i insisted

"So what? We're not drinking too much. And besides its your birthday. Don't be a KJ." ...Kara

"Uh , I'm not being kj. I'm just stating the fact that we have classes tomorrow. We might have trouble waking up."...me

"Don't worry, its going to be fun.!"...jenna

"Ugh!! Angel you agreed to this?"...me

Angel just shrugged her shoulder. I threw my hands up. Giving up in talking some sense in this girls' mind.
I just watch them while they were heating the food.

After that we proceed to the living room and the 'party' began. Its actually fun to be with them. The so called party gone out smoothly and so is my first drinking experience although I feel kind of dizzy right now. The girls decided to leave around 10. And me, well even though I'm a bit tipsy I don't feel sleepy so I decided to cycle around the neighborhood for a few minutes just to get the alcohol out of my system.

Well for once I felt contented. Thanks to my friends. While cycling around I see some other people outside too. Mostly couples who are so happy being with their loved ones. I wondered what would it feel like to fall in love and be loved. I never get to experience that kind of thing so i was curious about it. But I know one thing for sure If you love you will surely get hurt with it, based on my own experience of course, you know with my parents.

So i decided to let it be. If I fall in love then its okey but its much better not to fall at all, save myself from the hurt.

Because of so much thinking I didn't notice I was going to the center of the road when I did, it was already too late. I saw a truck with bright lights heading my way, I panicked so I didn't know what to do until it crash onto me. I saw myself flying across the road and then drop head first and rolled. My eyes are open and my body felt numb already because of the pain. And before I black out I saw a bright light way above me.

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