J-Chapter 10

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"Who are you? Show yourself, I know you're here." Kris

I was shocked. Is he bluffing?? How can he know that I'm here? I know he don't see me. Okey, I know his bluffing..there's no way that he can see me.

"Come on out now." Kris still insisted.

I took a step backwards. i was just standing there looking at Kris in front of me. He still have that curious face.

Well, maybe Kris believe in ghosts after all. Ha!! That's new...but its just a pity that he can't see me. It would be really nice if I could talk to him...

"Sorry Kris! You can't see me. Believe me I also want to talk to you." I told him.

When I finished my sentence, he looked directly at me with terrified expression.


"What??" Kris asked then turned to look around again. Phew! For just a minute there I thought that he can see me. But he heard me?? How can he possibly do that??


I was still shocked by the falling lampshade. But then, at the same time curious. I know there is someone inside the room besides myself, I can feel it. I believe in supernatural things cause my family does. My mother said that my Great Grandfather can see ghosts. And some of my uncles inherited the skill. As for me, I can't actually see ghosts but I can feel them. My parents said that I can develop my skills with the help of my uncles but I decided not to. Cause, apparently I don't have any particular use for that skill and come on seeing ghost is really scary you know. What if I can see some scary ghost with the horrible face, blood oozing from their wounds and eyeballs hanging from their eyes?.... I could faint just seeing that. But now, in my current situation I just wished I did otherwise. Cause when it comes to my family there's no time to be selfish. There are so many things that a supernatural being can do. They can do really bad things and that is what I'm afraid of, that it might hurt one of my members. I can't let it do that!

These past two days, I know that there's an unseen individual who's inside the house with us. It started yesterday when we came home. I didn't mention it to the other members cause I don't want to scare them. I believed Tao when he said that the glass was floating as well as D.O and Baekhyun when they said that they felt a weird cold.

"Who are you? Show yourself, I know you're here." I said outloud but only silence answered me.

I waited for a while, I was hoping that I can see whoever it was. I looked around the room and its completely normal. But still, I sense someone's presence.

"Come on out now." I insisted. But there's still nothing!

After a while, I heard someone say my name. Like a whisper, so I quickly looked in front of me.

"What??" I answered.


Still no one answered me.. I don't know what is happening but I do know that we're not the only one living in this house anymore.

I was still in that state. When someone opened the door. Tao entered with a smiling face. He was carrying a bag which is obviously a Gucci bag. The smile in his face faded when he noticed me.

"Hyung what are you doing? You look bothered. Do you have a problem?" Tao

"Huh? Ah no, I'm just tired I guess." I seated on my bed, I guess I should give up now. There's no chance that I could see that being. I'm still incapable. I just hope that it won't do anything harm to my members.


When Tao entered, the tension that I feel disappeared. I was really shocked by Kris. He said he knows that I'm here but he can't see me. And he heard me, I don't know if he clearly heard me. But I know he did. I should be careful around him I guess, as much as I want to talk to him but its not just natural if I scare them like that. I am not that kind of ghost.

I guess Kris gave up on me because of Tao. Tao is so enthusiastic now because he said he bought a Gucci bag. I always know Tao had a girlish side.

"Hyung look, I bought a new Gucci bag.. Its beautiful right?" Tao said full of enthusiasm. "I'm going to use this when we go to the Philippines for our concert."

Philippines?. they're going to the Philippines? Oh right they have a concert their. On January 22.

A new hope started residing inside of me. If I could come with them, then I could go home. I could say my goodbyes to my friends then finally I could descend and be with my parents.

Wait! Maybe this was the reason why I was carried here in the first place? But why not carry me to the Philippines instead of stopping me over here? Well, it doesn't matter now, the only important thing is I could go home. YES!!!!

Kris and Tao got out of the room cause they're about to eat dinner. I decided to stay inside. I'm sitting in Kris' bed, I spotted the small calendar in his bedside table. I picked it and looked at the date. November 27. Wow, its nearly Christmas. And I still have two months with them and with him. I suddenly felt sad. I put the calendar back in the table and look around the room.

If ever I could go home, then this would be my last two months in this house. Strange, in such a short span of time I develop a certain feelings for EXO. Its sad that I had to leave them after the time comes but its making me more sad that I had to leave him.

For two days, just two days, I fell in love?. Haha, funny cause when I'm alive I didn't bother paying attention to my suitors. ...yes I have suitors, even though I don't care about my fashion I still am pretty you know.. I inherited it from my mother. I'm not boasting I'm just saying.

Anyway, that time I don't really care, my suitors, well they have the face that you can't be ashamed of but I'm just not interested.

But Kris? He's different, the moment I layed my eyes on him I felt this strong attraction inside me, I ignored it at first thinking that I'm just admiring his face but later on I figured it isn't normal. My heart beats faster whenever I see him, I would smile whenever I think of him. I always want to be by his side. I miss him whenever he's not around. Its not just normal for me. I know this is love, I just know it. But this feeling ,if I keep it, I know it would only hurt me. Cause there's no way that Kris and I could be together. And I should accept that starting now, the sooner I accept it, the less pain I could feel.

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