Chapter Thirty Two.

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Dedication: DirksenLife1234 because I saw you put my story in a reading list and that means a lot. I hope you enjoy thee book love!! HMU sometime and we can become friends haha

I am currently addicted to listening to Maroon 5. But who wouldn't be because Adam Levine is totally bae. Okay that was weird to say because I hate that word. But anyways. Thank you for staying with me if you have!! If you are a new reader. Go check out the rest of my chapters. 

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Chapter Thirty Two.

Chapter Thirty Two

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Drew's POV

Violet wants me to join the group. Violet wants me to do many things that I am not capable of doing. Like joining the group for the project of which I know what I am doing, opening up to her, showing to her my feelings and...talking. She doesn't say anything about it but I know she is growing tired of me not talking. Just like everyone else I know she probably thinks it's dumb to not.

Well she has one thing coming. I am never talking again. You miles well just rip out my vocal cords because never will I talk again as long as I live.

This trip has showed me a lot. Don't get me wrong but you know it's weird to think that these four people have showed me more to life than anyone else. They have showed me a lot.

That is what my project is on. I know I have this journal I've been writing in to get me used to the new feelings. The new feelings that I have for Violet. The new feelings I have for the guys and just all these feelings that I know will get me down. I want to feel these feelings again. After the trip I won't see these people ever again, so I want to keep these feelings and look back at them. Then maybe I will have a chance to feel them again.

I actually just now found this journal entry today that might be really triggering if someone found it.

July 30, 2016

280 days. Fuck my life. I wish someone would just throw me into the river to let me die. That way I will be closer to Austin. But he didn't go to hell though. I am. I know for sure. There has been so many sins I have committed that I can't look back on and that I can't take back. But then again, there is no hell. There is no heaven. They don't exist. Nothing exists. Nothing in life exists-

"No just ask Drew didn't I try to get you something," Levi says to Nate.

I lay the journal down very fast after shutting it. I look up at Nate and Levi. Levi points to me and I am suddenly underneath the pressure of not letting the guy down.

I shrug when Nate looks at me. Nate shakes his head and turns toward Levi, "you know it's not polite to lie Matthew."

A laugh escapes my lips and then I put my mouth into a straight line as I hold back a smile. I hide the journal behind my bag and look at them again.

It Starts with Hello ◇Drew Dirksen AUWhere stories live. Discover now