Letter (Medic X Reader)

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Medic's 38 in my headcanon so reader-chan's somewhere in her mid 30s. If you dont like it, deal with it and dont care about age XD


It's been almost a year since you joined the Mercs. You were like a sister to all of them and they were like your brothers. Sure you do fight very often but hey, no family's perfect. However, you do like someone more than just your family. The person you have a crush on isn't too old for you nor to young. Well that said, you are one of the older member of the team. He has a well groomed hair, a pretty chaotic mind and a very kind smile. He's always been a gentleman towards you. Ever since you first met that German Lunatic, you fell in love with him.

You were on your bed resting yourself since its ceasefire. Scout is most likely at town, Heavy and Demo are probably at a Pub while the rest are somewhere at Base. Your class is (Class Name). You were happy to be a Merc because you are also kind of chaotic at times. You looked at your (weapon) that had notches on them indicating your kills. You chuckled. You heard a knock on the door.

"Yes? Who is it?" You yelled

"Frau. It's me. Jour mom has sent a letter." The German yelled back.

You opened the door and saw him without his glove nor his lab coat.

"Halo, frau" he greeted with a warm smile

"Hey Medic." You greeted back.

"Vell here it is, frau." He gave you a nice yellow envelope. You opened it and read the letter.

' Dear (Y/N)

Hi honey! I got your letter today and Im happy to know you enjoy your new job. I never actually expected my little daughter becoming a Merc. Of course that's fine by me and your dad! I remember when you were still small and you loved playing Guns with your brother. Oh did I mention he has a son now? He's adorable! You should meet him this Christmas. Bye! Hope you reply soon!

Love, Mom'

"So. Vhat did jour mother say?" Medic asked.

"Hmm? Oh my mom's happy for me and my brother recently had a son." I replied smiling

"Ah I see." Medic spoke. Suddenly he seemed a bit.. shy.

"Hey uh.. frau." He mumbled.

"Yes Medic?" You asked

"Vell um.. I know jou haff seen me as a sort of brudder but uh... I--" he was cut off by your quick and somewhat messy peck on his lips. You quickly pulled away and hid under your covers.

Medic stood there with his hand on his lip still in shock. After a minute or so he smiled and sat on your bed. He smirked and pulled the covers away. You were lying there blushing like a mad man. He placed his hand on your cheek and cupped it. The two of you staring at each other and finally he placed both hands on your back, one on your head. He leaned in and gave you a soft, loving kiss. You enjoyed the moment. Finally he pulled away and looked at you. You became somewhat sleepy after his loving kiss. Medic can tell this and stroke your cheek running his thumb over one eye making you very sleepy. Right before you sleep, you heard him say these words

"Ich liebe dich"

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