Sleep (Soldier X Shy!Reader)

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Alternative story for those who dont want to read the other Soldier X Reader.


You looked up at the pitch black sky with stars scattered all over. You were once a very outgoing child. Now? You're often a flustered mess. You preferred to do things alone. Though theres one person you loved. Soldier as his colleagues call him. Yes he is often shouting and angry but you know he has a soft spot that he will only show if you're a good friend. But being the shy person you are, you probably wont be able to even come near him. You sighed and picked up (you weapon) and walked around the base. Today is your turn to gaurd the intel at night but... this is your first time. You sighed and opened a can of Energy Drink and began gulping down.

~Time skip brought to you by a Pybro~

2am... still 3 more hours to go goddammit... trudging slowly across the sand you sighed. You're out of energy drink and you already cant see very well. Maybe you should sleep. I mean, who the fuck is up at this time aside from me? You walked to the base and you layed down on the couch almost asleep when

"(y/n)?" A voice called out. You shot your head up. Fuck... its Soldier

"S-sorry Sol! I thought that m-maybe I can t-take a quick break!" You squealed and tried to run but he held your wrist. Shit... you expected the worse and prepared for it.

"(y/n) get some sleep alright?" He mumbled

"Huh? B-but I..." You were hushed by him. He cupped your cheek as you blushed.

"I worry about you. So please get some sleep. I'll take over you" He smiled. He hugged you and pushed your head to his shoulder. His hand went to your back and rubbed it while the other strokes your soft hair. Before you let sleep take over, you felt him peck your forehead.

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