Insanity (Soldier X MentallyUnstable! Reader)

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Meh. I got kinda inspired after watching Markimoo's Fran Bow gameplay. If you dont wanna read this, its fine. You can read an alternative Soldier X Reader


You were on the examination table being checked on by Medic with the other mercs keeping an eye on you. For the first time in years, you've gone crazy and killed the entire enemy team with a bloodied machete.

Medic looked through your medical papers from your childhood. You sat there with your hands constricted.

"Frau... jou never told us jou had Psychosis.." Medic informed. 

"That's because I was cured of it years ago..." you replied. "It seems to be back..." you continued.

The rest of the team backed away slightly. Except for Soldier who just stood there in shock.

"It's best if I isolate myself... so nobody gets hurt" You mumbled. Memories of your Psychotic behaviour flooded back

~Flashback brought to you by a Flashbang~

"(Y/n)! Stop! Stay back!" One of the nurses yelled. Your hands were bloodied from attacking another nurse. You heard voices of demons forcing you to do it.

Creeping slowly towards the nurse you were about to attack until your father tackled you and injected you with Tranquilizer.

~flashback end~

You snapped back to reality and walked to your bedroom. As soon as you got there, you locked the doors and ripped an old shirt into strips to tie you down.

This brought back another memory...

~flashback brought to you by whispers~

You woke up inside a metal room, you were chained on a bed in the isolation room like a wild animal.

"Honey I told you she is a monster! She's not the same little angel we knew!" Your father yelled. 

"Sir you must understand. All mental illnesses can be cured. Your dau--" The doctor was cut off by your father.

"No! I don't want her anymore! She's a demon!" Your father lashed out. You cried on your bed. 

~flashback end~

Those words stabbed you in the heart. They lingered reminding you all of the nurses and patients you attacked. After a couple of hours isolation, the whispers... the whispers came back.

"Break free from your restrictions... kill them..." the whispers repeated those words numerous times.

"No! I've done enough! Stop it!" You yelled out. Slowly but surely, you were drifting into insanity.

A day later...

All 9 mercs were in the meeting room discussing about (y/n)'s mental state.

"Her mental state is too... unstable at zhis point." Medic announced

"So... what? Do we just... kill her or somethin..?" Scout asked

"Vell no. She must be taken away to zhe mental hospital. I vill call zhem immediately." Medic announced

The 9 mercs agree. Except Soldier. He had a face of sadness. He always had a crush on you but he never got to tell his feelings as he, despite being a very tough man, cant never seem to talk to women.

Meanwhile inside your room...

You flailed around as you let insanity take you. You wanted to get out. You wanted to see a pool of blood. Finally, you broke free. You banged on the door multiple times which alerted the 9 mercs.

All 9 of them looked at the door as small cracks formed.

"Aww crap..." Scout mumbled preparing himself to make a run for it.


The door broke open. Your eyes wide open making your pupils appear small. A wide grin plastered and your hair was a mess.

"WHO'S READY FOR A BLOOD BATH?!" You yelled holding up a cracked piece from the door as a weapon.

The 9 mercs ran to a safe spot while you trailed behind. Sniper was in his nest, Medic was inside his medbay, Heavy hid behind a large rock, Scout, Demoman and Soldier had jumped onto the roof, Spy is hiding in the corner while Engie and Pyro were in the sewer.

"Men." Soldier mumbled.

"Im going down there to stop (y/n). I dont care if I die. I will protect our team" Soldier continued his hands shaking. He jumped down and looked around.

"COME OUT, MAGGOT!" Soldier yelled. The mercs watching from the distance. You walked out from the enemy base. You held the enemy Pyro's Axe and the Sniper's Machete which were both bloodied. You went on a rampage against the enemy team.

"TIME FOR BLOOD~!" You yelled out, clearly insane. You charged towards Soldier like a Bull but he quickly dodged you by rocket jumping up and holding you down as soon as he landed.

"Gotcha, crouton" Soldier frowned slightly, pinning you down. You flailed while trying to kick him off, furious. He turned your face to his and he stared into your eyes. He stroke your cheek gently making your psychotic look slowly dissapear. You stopped struggling and closed your eyes.

"It happened again... those voices... those... demons..." you muttered. Soldier looked at you with shock. The other mercs walked from their hiding spots to you.

"Just.. kill me... I cant take it anymore..!" You yelled tears forming. Soldier sighed and pulled you into a hug. One hand on your back and the other on your head, running his hand up and down your messy hair. Your head on his shoulder crying.

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