Male!Pyro X Reader

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A request made by @sherlynr816. Btw sorry m8 but... I dont know how to even make this fusion concept thing. So uh... here. Have a normal fanfic. PS The first thing I saw once I search TF2 Fusion, I saw spy kissing snipers neck. k den


You sat there poking at your dinner with your fork.

"Darlin you alright?" Engie asked concerned. He's a sort of father figure to you.

"Hmm? Oh its fine. Im just not hungry" You replied still poking the mashed potatoes

"Ya can sleep early if ya want darlin" Engie spoke a bit concerned. You nodded and went to your room.

You layed on your back facing the white ceiling as the ceiling fan kept circling around. You've always wondered countless times about Pyro. Why has he always been so secretive? Why has people called him a freak? Though despite never seeing whats under his mask, you knew he's a kind man who probably loves children. In a non Pedophile way of course.

You looked outside the window. On a rock you saw a person standing. Wonder wh-- wait... is that Pyro? You opened the window and hopped out and landed on the ground.

"Pyro?" you called out.

"ACH FUCK" Pyro yelled out falling down. You squeaked seeing the man fall on his back.

"Fuck... (y/n) dont startle me next time, will ya?" He grumbled rubbing the back of his head. He stood up and turned around revealing his face for the first time. He had messy reddish brown hair, stubbles on his jawline leading to a small patch of hair under his lip. His face covered in scars from both sharp objects and intense heat with one large scar over one of his dark amber eyes.

"Heh you've looked like ya seen a ghost, girlie" he smirked. You blushed lightly.

"Pyro why arent you wearing your mask?" You asked

"It gets all smelly from the sweat and gasoline... and quite hard to breath through" He mumbled. "Its nice to remove the mask every once in a while ya know" he smiled

"Ive had several questions over some time... and more now that Ive seen your face..." You spoke softly sitting down behind the rock. He looked at you and he sat next to you.

"Such as?" His gruff voice asked.

"You've always been seen with your mask at most situations.. even during Ceasefire..." you asked

"Thats because before I was a merc workin' for Ol' Redmond, I was a chemist who worked with flammable, corrosive and basically every single fuckin acid out there." he answered "Until that happened.." He looked down with a frown. He sniffed slightly and wiped his eyes quickly.

"Pyro..." you mumbled placing your hand on his shoulder "You dont have to tell me alright?" you continued. He turned around and placed his hand on yours making you blush

"Alright" Pyro smiled. He noticed you blushing and he chuckled kissing your nose. You squeaked and blushed more.

"Heh if ya keep beein all flustered like that, I cant help but send in more kisses to ya" He smirked and pecked your lips making you blush more. He chuckled and held your hand in his, fondling it. A sly grin plastered on his face.

The two of you talked more about Pyro's life. Apparently he had an ex wife who cheated on him for a Male supermodel who Pyro's a hundred percent sure was gay. He also had a 5 year old daughter who was given custody to his ex wife. Because of this, he left to do mercenary work for Redmond.

"Damn.. you had a rough life.." You mumbled drawing many things on the desert sand.

"Nah not really. My wife was a bitch anyways" He laughed. You rubbed your eyes.

"You sleepy, sweetie?" He asked. You nodded. He gave a warm smile and brought you back to base.


Pyro was on his bed without his suit nor his mask, only a white tank top and brown pants and a blanket covering his scrawny figure. He looked at a framed picture of his daughter. A small girl with a pink dress holding a matching pink unicorn. A big grin showing a missing tooth.
"Annabell I miss ya..." he sighed. He layed on his side and stayed there until he eventually sleeps.


Just before falling alseep, he remembered that moment

~Flashback sponsored by the Flashback Assosiation~

"You cheated on me, Lorie?!" Pyro screamed.

"So what?! Unlike you, Kris is much hotter!" his ex yelled back with her new boyfriend smirking

"You know love is not about looks! Lorie this isnt like you!" He screamed back tears welling in his eyes. He cant believe it... his beloved wife had cheated on someone else.

"Love is not about looks?! Drake you fucking idiot!" His ex laughed. Pyro's heart felt as if it was jabbed by a stainless steel knife.

"Fine. I hope you and your fuckin gay ass Boyfriend live happily" Pyro mumbled and slammed the door open and left.


Pyro woke up and checked his clock. 3am... who the fuck wakes up at 3am?

"Hello..?" he answered groggily

"Drake please come back to me!" a woman called out. Pyro let out an annoyed growl.

"The fuck? I thought you were all happy with your new husband, Lorie.." He answered in an annoyed tone

"What? Why the hell would I? He's gay!" Lorie cried out.

"Told ya" Pyro chuckled.

"So... can we be together?" She asked in a happy and relieved tone

"As much as I miss lil Annabell, fuck no" Pyro laughed

"W-wait!--" Lorie was cut off when he hung up the phone. He went back to sleep

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