Bar (Demoman X Bartender! Reader)

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Yay late night writing... it's 2:35am and I have insomnia.


You were a bartender working Night Shifts at a small bar called Drunken Barrel. At one point you were a Bounty Hunter. Hell you even got a licence to own a Handgun. But you never really use it anymore as, you know you were an Ex Bounty Hunter.

Cleaning up some shot glasses from the previous lot of people, you thought of how would life go for you when you never retired from being a Bounty Hunter. Sure it was often high paying but the medical bills take most of your cash payment away leaving only about a dollar or so of profit. Which made you retire and work as a simple Bartender.

You heard the door open and you saw a dark-skinned man with a red and white long-sleeved shirt, red pants, a black beanie and an eyepatch and facial hair styled to friendly muttonchops. (A/n Yep, I searched this shit up XD)

"Welcome, sir." I greeted "how may I help you?" I asked

"A bottle o' Degroot's Rum please." The man spoke. I can tell he's Scottish.

"The whole bottle?" I asked

"Aye." He replied. I shrugged and took the whole bottle and passed it to him.

"Thanks, lass." He thanked and downed the whole bottle in a couple of seconds. My jaw dropped. I was amazed at how much he can drink within seconds.

"Huh... you sure do love drinking..." I chuckled.

"Aye. I do lass. Me family loves drinking. Especially our own rum me ol' ancestors made, lass." He smiled

"Oh? Does that mean you're Tavish Finnegan DeGroot?" I asked

"Aye. How would ya know?" He replied

"I love drinking Degroot's Rum. But definitely not a whole bottle." I joked.

Tavish laughed and told me all about himself

"So you work as a Merc..." I was slightly amused. "I used to be a bounty hunter. But the job became a bit too dangerous that I only make a dollar profit per bounty." I told him

"I see. Ya must've had lots o' strong opponents then, lass?" He asked wanting to know more

"Mhmm. I fought with pistols. My opponents fight with stronger weapons. Even Miniguns..." I mumbled.

"Well I cannae say about you but Explosives are me best mates." He laughed

"Heh must be nice to have explosions by your side." I chuckled

We talked for a very long time and finally, the clock rang.

"Huh.. looks like my shift ended." You yawned. It's about 2 in the morning by now.

"Lass." Tavish called out.

"Yes?" I answered rubbing my eyes.

"M-may I have your phone number..? We can go out f-fer dinner some time." He asked shyly.

You smiled and wrote down your number on a piece of paper and gave it to him. He did the same and gave it to you. Before he left he kissed your cheek making you blush. He chuckled and left.

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