Birthday! (Engineer X Reader)

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Me no have good ideas. Ples send help.


You looked at your blueprints thinking deeply. Ever since you started working with Engie as a merc, you've always missed making realistic robotic animals for younger kids around your neighborhood.

You glanced at the calender realizing next week is Engie's 34th Birthday. Knowing this you thought of what you should give... a new wrench? Nah he already has a collection... a new shotgun...? Hmmm. No he probably won't need a new one... so you walked outside to get inspiration.

You thought and thought but nothing comes up. In the distance you saw Engie with a set of binoculars.

You walked up to him. He heard your footsteps and turned around.

"Hello, darlin." He greeted.

"Hey, Engie." You smiled and waved. "What are you up to?" You asked

"Ah'm just bird watchin. Ya know... Most of us has pets... Spah has his adorable lil crab, Scout has a squirrel, Medic owns a loyal dove, Soldier owns a rabid Raccoon and Sniper owns a cute owl..." he explained.

"Ah've always wanted a pet for mahself but uh... Ah'm usually in the Workshop... don't want mah pet to get injured." He continued. Suddenly a small canary landed on Engie's hardhat. He chuckled and let the canary fly off. That's it! Maybe a Robotic Canary.

"Be right back!" You chirped and ran to the workshop.

"Huh... the darlin's always busy..." Engie scratched his neck. He shrugged and laid down on the ground.


You gathered alot of metal, glass, wires and all sorts of yellow paint and got right to work.

About a week later.

After numerous failed AIs and a few cuts here and there, you're finally done. An adorable little robotic bird with Goggles on. You tested the AI by putting your finger nearby. It looked at your finger and hops on. Perfect!

You set it near a birdcage with a twig for the bird to sit on. The bird jumped off your finger and flew towards the twig and landed. You hid it under a cloth and placed it on Engie's desk with a card saying

'Happy Birthday, Engie!

I hope you'll like it! By the way, it's name is Einstein or Ein for short.


And walked to your desk. You were quite tired after spending a long time trying to get the bird to work as it needs a custom AI. You placed your head on your arms getting some well needed rest.

~Engie's POV~

I walked to our workshop and while walking to my desk, I saw (y/n) asleep. She looked adorable sleeping. Not to mention her tiny snores she makes is just.. well adorable. When I reached my desk, there was something hidden under the a large piece of cloth and a card nearby. I read the card... I smiled afterwards

When I pulled the cloth away, I was shocked and happy at the same time. Usually, I wouldn't expect anything for my birthday but... damn... a tiny lil canary. I opened the cage and placed my finger in.

"C'mon out lil fella." I smiled and it instantly hopped onto my finger. After sometime it flew on its own and landed on my shoulder.

"Heh cute lil bird." I chuckled and it chirped loud enough to wake (y/n) up. Slowly she woke up rubbing her eyes.

~Your POV~

I woke up and saw Engie with Ein on his shoulder.

"Oh hey" you yawned "So you met Ein huh?" You continued.

"Yea." Engie smiled while patting Ein's head. "He's adorable" he chuckled

"Glad you liked Ein." You smiled.

"Darlin. Ah feel like Ah owe you somethin." He spoke

"Oh? What is it?" You asked sitting up.

"This" he pulled you up and held you close making you blush. He leaned in and kissed your lips.

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