Heavy X Reader

718 22 3

A request made by JoannaNikolakakos
Btw this has no actual Title as I just went with whatever's on my mind XD

"You Failed!" The speakers boomed followed by Stock booing sounds. You growled and hit your head against the wooden walls. You didnt mind the pain on your head. The BLUs are savages and would kill anyone regardless.

Later that night...

"(y/n)! You are a disgrace to our team! You've been gaining near zero kills!" Soldier scolded

You hung your head low. You're a Scout but your dumbass leader ordered you to protect the Intelligence.

That's it. For 3 months straight, you've yet to get non assisted kills all because of this stupid job Soldier gave you. You decided to leave this team and work as a normal person.

You got to your room and slammed the door shut. You packed all your things. Your eyes teared up when you saw "Welcome" cards that were given to you when you first joined. You ripped them apart and started crying softly.

Finally you heard a knock on the door.

"(Y/n)? Is me, Heavy. Can (y/n) let Heavy in?" You heard the Russian ask.

"N-no sorry.." you cried.

"Heavy is worried. Heavy heard Soldier yelling at you." He spoke.

"Alright" you mumbled and unlocked the door. You got back to packing your things.

Heavy entered your room and kneeled down to you. His face had a look of worry when he saw your tear-stained face. You turned around. He sighed.

"(Y/n) look at me." He spoke. You turned to the giant. "What is wrong?" He asked placing his hand on your shoulder.

You explained everything and told him you were leaving. He suddenly had a look of sadness.

"Do not leave. You are still important to us." He spoke softly.

"To Soldier, Im not" you replied.

"Is because Soldier is stupid." He mumbled and pulled you into a hug.

"What are you maggots doing? It's midnight you sons of a cussing cussword!" Soldier yelled.

You heard the Russian man growl as he stood up.

"Stupid tiny baby man make (y/n) cry!" He yelled loud enough to make the others wake up.

"And who is this, 'stupid tiny baby man' you speak of?!" He roared

"You! You are stupid tiny baby man!" Heavy growled

"What are you numnut going about!" Soldier growled

"You gave (y/n) worst job! She can not defend intelligence alone! She has tiny baby guns!" He growled "Is why we lost! Because you give her worst job!" He yelled once more

"Damn can you guys quiet down a lil? Ah'm sleepy ya know and besides. Tomorrow's another fight." Engie walked out of his room in his Pajamas (a/n I imagine his pajamas has random equations or teddy bears on it XD)

"What the bloody hell mates?! Do ya wankers know what time it is?! And Soldier why would ya give the sheila defence as her job?" Sniper facepalmed himself before returning to his room shouting cusses

"Fine! (Y/n) you're front line fighter from now on!" He announced and marched back to his room.

"Thanks, Heavy." You thanked and hugged him. This time he gently stroked your hair and picked you up bridal style. He placed you on your bed and wrapped you with your blanket. He smiled and kiss your forehead before leaving.

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