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Well this hasn't been made yet. And yes this has come from my obsession with freakin Pyrosharks XD. Also for this story, Pyrosharks is a term used for a sort of "Mental Disorder" in which a Pyromaniac ends up loving water so he/she needs to use electricity

Requested by: darknesswithin10

You sat on a small platform inside the sewers of 2fort. You were sent under the sewers as a sort of outcast ever since you started loving water. You were never truly a Pyromaniac. You just loved watching people burn to a crisp... well you're somewhat a Pyromaniac. Next to you is a Sentry  beeping away.

"VICTORY" The announcer yelled followed by a clapping and cheering sound effect.

You sighed and laid on your back. Your Neon Annihilator next to you just in case. Today is quite a boring day. The Sentry keeps on taking your kills, and nothing interesting has happened. You heard footsteps and your head shot up on alert. 

"Heh calm down ya Shark. Ah'm just checkin'." The Engineer chuckled and packed up his Sentry.

"You're free to roam around. But... uh... maybe you should eat first. Ya haven't had a bite yet, Sharkie" The Engineer carefully placed a plate with grilled fish then left.

You sat up quickly. Damn were you waiting for this time of the day. You removed your mask and grabbed the grilled fish and bit into it. Eating it like an animal. Honestly you were fine being called "Shark" or "Sharkie" and eating like an animal. (A/N if you aren't, just go with the flow :3)

Later that night you were wide awake playing with the water still without your mask on. You were never scared of enemies trying to go through the sewer. In fact, enemies has yet to cross through you "territory". Suddenly you saw a figure in the water. You placed your mask on and dived into the water. Usually the Tank strapped on a normal Pyro's back is filled with flammable gas. Yours, however, is filled with air.

You looked around and saw a some tentacles swishing around the water.

'An octopus?' You thought. 'How in the world would an octopus stray here?'

You followed the movement and finally saw it. A (opposite team) Spy! But... why does he have tentacles..? Clearly the human, octopus... thing? Knew you were watching him. He got closer to you. You were kinda paranoid and quickly left to your sewer. You jumped out of the water and sat near the edge, wanting to kill whatever that is.

Finally the creature popped his head out of the water.

"Mademoiselle, please don't attack" he muttered loud enough with his hands up.

"What-- I mean, who are you?" You asked still a bit paranoid.

"Oh I see 'ou have not seen anyzhing like me, I am just a Tentaspy. I have no team so dont worry, Cher." He replied calmly. 

With his head and his upper body out, you can clearly see his topless body. You blushed under your mask. He also had small fangs, a small part of his face covered in scales with one yellow eye. His shoulders were slightly covered in scales as well. He noticed you looking at his topless chest and he smirked.

"Oh? Do 'ou like what 'ou see, cheri?" He smirked. You turned away only to be pulled back into the water by him. You squeaked and he held you lightly. He had a kind smile and removed your mask. He chuckled seeing your blood red face.

"Zhe shy one, no?" He smiled and cup your cheek

"Cheri, I know I may seem like a freak and 'ou must be scared right no--" he was cut off with you hugging him. He had a small blush and hugged you back.

"No.. you don't seem like a freak to me. I myself am an outcast as a Pyro who loves to be around water yet loves to see enemies get burned to a crisp" you muttered.

"Oh? Is zhat true? Interesting.." he commented

"Mhmm.. I don't know either why my team calls me 'Sharkie' or just 'Shark'..." you mumbled

"Ah I see. Zhat comes from zhe word, Pyroshark. Zhink of it as a sort of term used for people like 'ou, cheri" he spoke softly. 

"Hey... what does 'cheri' mean..?" You asked.

He chuckled and planted a soft kiss on your lips. At first, you were stiff but melted and kissed him back. After a while, he placed his forehead on yours.

"It means 'love'..." he answered and kissed your forehead

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