deathly battle

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Sans jump back to the corner with Frisk tied in his arms his eyes burning with protective rage, afraid that they have bad intention to his woman (I'm sorry i can't help but shriek on that part :v lol!) A side from that, Chara and Asriel is not far behind, their eyes shine with fury and worry, seeing their belove sister in the arms of unknown guy....

Chara equip his favorite knife while Asriel made a barrier to block the exit, sensing their intention to fight, Sans summons three his gaster blaster who floating while growling to their opponent. Frisk don't know what to do, Sans grip on her is to tight to escape.... and his brothers is not the type who can sit and listen while drinking tea...

"Sans!!! Don't fight!!! It's my brothers!!! "
"Huh? They are your bro?"

Sans eyes never leaving his opponent, he know he can't win that easy this time, he know both of them is not an ordinary opponent... he can sense a dark aura around them...and even if he know now that they are her brothers, but he also know that they are not easy to talk type... so no way he will lose because he let his guard down..

"Bro!! Stop fighting and listen to me!!"
"Dont worry Frisk, i will cut this skeleton and you can be free again!"

Like what she thinks, Chara is to angry to listen to her and Asriel to busy to growling to Sans to care....seems like she can't cancel this fight... but she doesn't want to see one of them get hurt...
She yelp when Sans body move fast to the side to dodge Chara knife attacks who broke the wall with hugh slash mark, and he must spin and jump to the wall because suddenly a thorns shoot out from the ground and attack him... with quick command, Sans told his gaster blaster to attack and made a clearing...

The fight destroy the room and furniture... Frisk head buried in Sans jacket, feeling dizzy to all the spin and dodge that Sans do, but now after many dodge and attack that he do he begin to feel tired and slowing down while his opponent still look like they are possessed by the devil himself and continue to attacks him with no mercy at all..

Sans glance at Frisk who grip his jacket like her own life while dodge to the right, he know his magic is running out and he can't teleport to outside because that damn goat block this house with his magic...
There are no option left, being person with very low HP is not funny at all...even if he just found his half soul today, he didn't know that he must leaving her this fast...

With quick motion Sans use his last power to teleport Frisk away from him ehile he dodge Chara attack once more... Chara know this person is slowly give up and that made him smirk evilly

"Ha? Give up already trash bag?"
"Tch.... shut up!!"
"I don't know what do you want from our sister, but receive the consequences!!"
"I'm not regrets if i die for my own soul mate!!"

Sans dodge again, but he saw shock and anger in Chara face when he passing him...then when he turn around, his face is completely evil..

"How dare you say you are our sister mate!!! You are not worthy to be with her!!"

Chara charge again with inhuman speed, it's happen so slow in Frisk eyes... and Sans didn't making any move to dodge, is he finally give up?
Frisk can't think anymore, she dash to Sans direction, her mind can't take the idea that Sans got hurt... Sans eyes went wide when he saw Frisk shielding him while facing him with happy expression....





A sounds of metal meet floor can be heard by Frisk who fall limp in Sans arms... her vision begin to blur and her lungs is burning... she can heard Sans and her bro calling her continuously but it's begin to faded like they are screaming from far away...


Frisk laugh painfully in Sans arms who panic and screaming to Ariel to open the barier to let him take her to the hospital with tears in his eyes... really... his high pitch panic voice didn't suite him at all....
Black dots begin to cover her vision... the pain is dulling... and... it's begin to feel comfy... Frisk close his eyes feeling tired like hell and wanting nothing more than sleep

" sleep... a bit "
"No!! You can sleep now!!! Wake up!!! SWEETHEART!!! SWEETHEART!!!! "

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