rain hear me cry

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Frisk stare at Sans, she doesn't know what to do in this situation.... she used to beating and bullying, she used to all yell and hit she received, she used to get hurt physically and emotionally.... but not this.....
She never received any kindness aside from her brothers, and this just feel so absurd to her to accept....

Frisk already get many bad words that she start to believe that she didn't deserve any kindest from anyone, she just a person who accidentally born and will die sooner or later without anyone noticing it....so...why....why this person care to much...even want to marry her....good at nothing person...sure she know about soul mate now, but she also know many soul mates out there who refusing their own mate and prefer to be alone...so why...
Sans in other hand, feeling so dumb and stupid, sure he know he is a wild type but at least he can hold back for her sake, the words just goes out from his mouth like train, he didn't even had a chance to think....his mind just screaming to him to claim her, as his, and only his....
Looking at her lost expression made his fear come back....they just 16 for freaking sake, and he doesn't know if she want to be his....

He is monster, when the first time they crawl to the surface, he remember how scared human are...they begin to screaming bloody murder at them and start throwing thing's to them until Asgore convince them and let them meet their mayor.... a years passed after that and finally monsters gain enough human trust to life along with them pretty well, but of course there are still many people who dislike them even hate them.....and now...he think that this angel will accept him? He must be pretty dumb for this.....

Their head now full of negative emotions, and their tattoo get dimmer without their noticing it....


Snapped from her dozen state, she look up and stare at Paps who grinning to her..

"Uh... yes.."

Paps stare at her, refusing to stare at anything else but her...


Frisk feel her throat tighten, even Sans now shrink to his jacket more they have same problem, they afraid of rejection and not worth to each other....

"I- i-"

Frisk can't take it anymore and she flees from there outside the house with Paps voice who calling after her, but she just to scared.... especially when she catch a hurtful look on Sans face....well no back away now....
She ran and ran, she even don't know where she running into, but she just continue to run, even there isn't any building can be seen now, she continue to run....finally she fall down to what seems like garden, it's already dark and rain already decided to mess the thing more by continue to pour down to earth...

Frisk stare at sky...

She hurt him

The only person who give her a genuine care...

She really that pathetic isn't she?

Can't done anything right....

How can she take his hands? She will just make his life worst...

But even after that....

She can't say no....she want to say yes so badly....want to be his....

But....she can't rewind time....

Isn't she?

Frisk tears run faster than she ever felt, nothing can compare this pain that she felt now....her entry body cry, lifting her clothes a lil...she stare at her tattoo, the blue heart lost it's glow and thr image of the rib cage look like its opened... the image seems like telling that the person is give up and didn't care if someone attack him in the moment...

In short it's say...

"Kill me now"

The silent night, stars can't be seen, and inside the sounds of rain drops you can faintly heard a cry of pain and sorrow of a heart broken girl...
Sans still standing on his place, a blue tears threats to fall of, he feels his entry body shake and numb....his eyes get dimmer until it's almost gone into a void that surrounding it...

He is a monster

A laziest of all the monster

How can he hope for love...

He already hurt her now

Why he can't hold himself back there?

He feels that he is full of ego

And he force his ego to her....

But...even after that...

He still hoping that she want to accept him...

He can't rewind time....

Isn't he...?

A blue tears finally fall, he doesn't care that Paps see it, he just want to die right now if he could... it's hurt...looking at his tattoo, the red heart have a crack that almost cut the heart into two....

In shot...it's say..

"I wanted to die"

Sans tear run faster now, and Paps embrace him, even he got quiet for a moment sensing how thorn his brother is....

"Paps....what should i do...?"

Paps surprised by his bro questions, this is the first time he ask his opinion... so genuinely confused...

"Go chase her bro... isn't to late"
"But he reject me already...."
"No brother....you notice that she doesn't even give a answer... "
"But.. "
"No bro... i absolutely know she love you...go chase him bro....before it's to late..."

Looking up to his bro comforting expression, Sans can't lie that his words can't erase his fear and doubt....


This is about...

Loss her without fighting...
Try and get hurt more....

And he will die and fighting for her even if he will get thorn for real this time...

"Ok Paps... i will try...."

Well!!! Hello floks! XD i know i didn't update for so long!! But forgive me that my job just hate me and didn't like if i write XD it's drain all my energy!!! Help meeeeeee

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