Chapter I (Bring Me To Life)

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Midtown Manhattan, April 20th 2016

I black out after my fake fall that turned out to be a real fall.

I don't remember anything but the moment when I look to Sam and Roderick.

Elliott too but he vanished quickly.

He whispered in a snake-ish voice: You've made it!.

I'm in an asylum from what I was told.

My mental health isn't good. Well it never was but I'm weaker.

This asylum seems quite like the old ones.

Full of torture devices and chambers. My therapist has been prescribing me a lot of pills.

Nurse – Hey Mr. Wright, here's a sleeping pill.

Nurse –Take it please, you have to rest.

Jordan – Okay.

I take the pill with a plastic white cup half empty.

Nurse – Open your mouth.

Jordan – Why?!

Nurse – Just open it.

I open my mouth as she requested.

Nurse – Put your tongue on your palate.

I do as she requested once more.

Nurse – Good boy.

Nurse – I was just checking if you did actually take the pill.

Jordan – Okay.

The pill is quite effective as I start to feel sleepy and listen the nurse talking like she's far away from me.

I hope I won't be here for a long time. I was done with therapies and asylums.

Midtown Manhattan, April 21st 2016

A nurse comes near to my bed with a tray with pills and syringes.

Nurse – Time for some medication.

Jordan – Good morning to you too. What are the syringes for?

Nurse – Medication. Don't sass me.

Nurrse – You don't want me to put you to sleep or lead you to the torture chambers do you?

Jordan – No. I'll take everything you give me.

Nurse – Now we're talking.

Jordan – As longs as that is my pass to get out of here.

Nurse – Oh sweety pie I don't think that will happen that soon.

The nurse gives me the pills, verifies if I took them and then injects some medication through my veins.

It hurts because she had to inject both of my arms.

Nurse – They will bring your breakfast in ten minutes.

Nurse – Now my colleagues have to take you to shower.

Jordan – I can shower myself.

Nurse – Boy, you do as we say.

Nurse – We're the one's who are running this place.

Nurse – Are we clear?

Jordan – Yes, we are.

My voice is still low and weak but I still can find what to say.

The Actor Madness: Asylum [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now