Chapter XII (Back At The Asylum)

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Midtown Manhattan, April 14th 2017

After being given tranquilizers, Elliott is sleeping in a bed at the asylum. 

He's back at the place he didn't remember he has been. 

Because of the constant therapies that damaged him but erased it from his memory.

Melvin Loomis is staying in a hotel downtown Manhattan. 

He is Elliott's publicist and he is third handler. Melvin knows what he is, he is not just a publicist. 

He makes part of a network that gets mental troubled actors. He knows they're easier to control. 

To share the agenda the studio wants and that the top of the showbiz industry wants too.

Melvin and doctor Amaranth are mind controllers. They control the minds of these mental troubled actors. 

Elliott is just another actor for them to handle. He's basically a puppet.

Elliott doesn't get to go far away without HBO know about it. They have him tracked down. 

They torture him, do awful therapies, give him drugs, pills. These are ways to control him. 

He's set to have breakdowns so he can be "programmed" to act and say certain ways and things. 

He can be "programmed" to be a sex symbol, a dark sided actor, everything they want him to be.

Right now Elliott is increasing his sex symbol programming. 

Elliott is taken to a room he spent more time than any other in the asylum.

Yes! The electroconvulsive therapy room.

He is first given a shot to wake him up because they want the effects to happen with him being "conscious".

A nurse dressed in all black is right next to him.

Nurse - Hi Elliott, I'm your nurse and I will make sure you'll get better soon. 

Nurse - But now let's do some torture okay?!

Elliott makes a muffled sound because of the rubber mouth guard. He is told to breath really deep and that he will feel a bit of a itch.

The nurse along with doctor Amaranth prepare the machine to "electrify" Elliott.

Elliott enters in a dissociation state so he feels out of his body and really light. He is levitating.

Doctor Amaranth - Elliott come down and take your clothes off.

Elliott takes his clothes off and he is forced to have sexual intercourse with the doctor.

The nurse comes with black high heels and steps on his testicles. Elliott is feeling the pain but somehow can't scream.

After the force sexual intercourse and abuse of the genitalia, Elliott is crying and is told to find a mirror.

The nurse dressed in all black takes him to another room. A room full of mirrors, he is left there alone.

The room has dark blue walls and the mirrors are huge. Slowly different people start to appear on the mirrors and talk to Elliott.

Reflection no. 1 - Hi Elliott, I'm Naomi. Have you forgot about me already?

Reflection no. 2 - I'm Jordan. Well you used to be me. I'm struggling to be the alfa alter ego. 

Reflection no. 2 - Don't let Elliott consume you even though he already did.

Reflection no. 3 - Hi I'm Tony. I'm the most emotional, ambitious, sensitive version of Jordan.

Elliott - What am I supposed to say to all of you?

Reflection no. 2 - Pick one of us to be the alfa. Please pick me. 

Reflection no. 2 - You'll be better. Roderick is waiting for you and you should leave HBO.

Reflection no. 1 - Don't listen to him. Do you want to be boring again? 

Reflection no. 1 - You're popping since you became Elliott. Think of me as an upgrade of your recent self.

Reflection no. 3 - What are you waiting for?

Elliott is so confused and the reflections won't stop refuting and telling him to choose them. 

So he goes near the mirror that has the reflection number 2, Jordan to be more accurate, and breaks the mirror.

He then cuts his arm with a shattered piece of glass.

The nurse outside after listening to the sound of glass breaking comes to see Elliott.

Nurse (smiling) - Young man you shouldn't do that, that's dangerous. 

Nurse - Let's cure that wound you fucker.

Elliott - There were reflections in there.

Nurse - Of course, they're mirrors. They reflect things.

Elliott - No there were three different persons there.

Nurse - Sure there were. It's medication time.

Elliott - I don't want no medication.

Nurse - Shush, if you talk more you're getting more than medication that I'll assure you. 

Nurse - So let's keep it this way.

The nurse takes Elliott to the treatment room and she knows that Elliott did see people. 

It's all a plan. Now she is making sure his wound isn't going to get infected and she is applying a lot of gauze.

Elliott is about to have his mind changed. Maybe Tony will be his next persona and name.

After that, Elliott is send to a room full of intense lights. 

They tied him upside down, tied his hands and they poured water in his mouth hourly. This is supposed to be another dissociation trauma. 

This one is the one who will finally connect him with Tony. They will fuse with each other to become one.

As they pour the water in his mouth they're telling him to ask Tony for help. 

They are the handlers of everything, everything that happens with Elliott they are the providers.

The Actor Madness: Asylum [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now