Chapter VIII (Pilot)

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Manhattan Upper West Side, May 22nd 2016

It's eight a.m. my phone is ringing. Sam is still sleeping. I wish I could sleep like him, nothing interrupts his sleep. 

An earthquake could happen and he would still be sleeping.

I grab the phone in the dark. I try to minimize any sound because even though he won't wake up with noises and such things. 

I shouldn't disrespect his sleep.

So I grab the phone, my hand is searching for a big phone. My Samsung. I get out of bed and go to the living room and answer the phone.

Elliott – Good morning. Who's this?!

Elliott – Oh I'm so sorry Mr. Jacques, I hadn't the time to save your number with your name. 

Elliott - But what you were saying?!

Elliott – Yes of course. I'll be there. Okay. Bye see you soon.

Mr. Jacques called me to tell me that today is the pilot shooting. Good I didn't read the script. 

Guess I will have to do it at the last minute. In the subway I'll read and memorize my part.

I go take a shower this time it has to be 15 minutes. I have to save the most of the time to memorize this script.

I put bread in the toaster, make coffee and eat and drink really fast. I go then dress myself. 

I won't care much about my looks because I will be wearing outfits in the studio.

I grab a paper and write it to Sam saying that I left for the shooting of the pilot. Then I grab the house keys, the script, my wallet and my phone. 

I'm ready to go.

I take the subway and start reading the script. Wow I should have done this before because there's a lot of lines to memorize. 

But I'm reading and repeating the lines in my head until they're stuck on my mind.

I heard that tv actors have a secret, they hide their scripts in the sets, under props or such to memorize between cuts.

I think I will rely on that, but I've got to memorize this without any cheats.

Basically I'm a bitchy gay guy. Way to support the stereotype of gay guys. 

I'm bi, but that doesn't mean I don't feel the pain of my fellas of lgbt community. 

You don't have to have a different sexual orientation than the normative one to support people from that community. 

As like you don't have to be black to support black people, or a woman to be a feminist.

I arrive at the nearest stop to "HBO", get out of the subway station and walk the block to the tv company. 

Here I go, ready for my first tv show.

I push the heavy door and take the elevator. When I arrive the receptionists tell me Mr. Jacques is going to see me here in this room.

Mr. Jacques finally arrives. Always with his confident bossy walk.

Jacques St. Clair – Well Elliott I hope you have memorized the script.

Elliott – Kind of.

Jacques St. Clair – Well, well. That's not a good start but we will first start with the photo shoots stills of the tv series. Okay?!

Elliott – Okay Mr. Jacques.

Jacques St. Clair – Well today you're going to be here like full day. Don't make plans for later, today we have to work our asses off to make this pilot appealing. 

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